Wednesday, September 18, 2019

BREAKING: Jordan Peterson Film Cancelled in Canadian Movie Theatre

The Rise of Jordan Peterson, the feature-length film by Patricia Marcoccia has been removed from its scheduled, week-long run at the Carlton Cinema in Toronto after “one or more” staff complained, reports The Post Millennial.

Social Justice Warriors aren't warriors they are just intellectually weak individuals who can't deal with opposing views.

One view they don't understand is that, no matter how much you try, you can't shut down a powerful message. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ by the Romans didn't exactly kill Christianity, not even, come to think of it, in Rome.

Jordan Peterson's message is very powerful and he is a great communicator. The SJWs, whether they realize it or not, just provided more fuel to the Peterson message.



  1. Why is it that nothing is ever cancelled, banned or deplatformed when conservatives or Right Wingers are offended?

  2. “The SJWs, whether they realize it or not, just provided more fuel to the Peterson message.” Some people never learn.

  3. Peterson's message is all about personal responsibility and improving your communities and yourselves. How can that be a problem? The SJWs need to get a life.

  4. Put it on Netflix or just have him upload it to his YouTube. I wana see the movie.
