Friday, September 13, 2019

Bolton Actually Held Trump Back?

Well, these are a couple of scary tweets:
Trump has only one policy vision for both domestic and foreign policy: Be the bully and only yield when you have an immediate gain in front of you or when you face blowback that you didn't expect, then reverse engines and declare victory.

Thus, it is possible Trump can go in any direction at any time.



  1. Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is showing again.

    1. Could you point out what Robert Wenzel posted that was incorrect? Your assertion of TDS would be a lot more persuasive if you did.

      "Trump Derangement Syndrome & the Crumbling Media (Pt. 2) | Scott Adams | POLITICS | Rubin Report"

  2. "Thus, it is possible Trump can go in any direction at any time."

    Half the time that would be good. Glass-half-full?
