Thursday, August 8, 2019

US Caught Red-Handed Meeting Leaders of Hong Kong Protest Groups

US State Dept. consul Julie Eadeh and Hong Kong protest leaders.
New information is emerging that the US may be playing a role in the protests in Hong Kong that have been going on for 9 weeks.

Chen Weihua, China Daily EU Bureau Chief, writes:

There were reports suggesting Julie Eadeh is a trained subversion expert at the US consulate in Hong Kong.  Her meeting with HK protesters would be evidence of US inciting and instigating the riots in Hong Kong.  Is she under the direct order of former CIA chief Mike Pompeo?
And we have this:
And this:

This should not come as a surprise to Target Liberty readers. In July, I put out this post, Are the Protests in Hong Kong a US Run Color Revolution?

It appears that Julie Eadeh (@julieeadeh) has taken down her twitter page.

It once did exist:

This is her 2011 State Department bio, she sure manages to end up in hot spots:
Julie A. Eadeh, a career member of the Foreign Service, joined the Department of State in 2002 as a Presidential Management Fellow where she served in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. In 2004 she joined the Foreign Service and covered human rights and the first ever Saudi elections as a political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. From 2006-2007, Ms. Eadeh was the chief of American Citizen Services at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon and assisted in the largest civilian evacuation of American citizens since World War II. From 2007-2008, Ms. Eadeh worked as the assistant information officer, covering press and media relations, at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.
Ms. Eadeh completed Chinese language training in Taiwan and Shanghai in 2010, and currently serves as the Environment, Science, Technology, Health, and Energy Officer at the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai. Upon completion of her assignment to China, Ms. Eadeh will continue advanced Arabic language training in preparation for her onward assignment to Doha, Qatar as the public affairs officer.
Born in Ohio, Ms. Eadeh was raised in Michigan. She is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University and the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University. Her foreign languages include Chinese, Arabic, French, and Spanish.

Understandably, China is not happy with the discovery of her meeting with dissidents.

China's foreign ministry, which has previously said Hong Kong's ongoing unrest was "the creation of the U.S.," urged American diplomats in a statement to "draw a clear line with all anti-Chinese rioters, stop sending wrong signals to illegal violators, stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs, and stop going further down the wrong path."



  1. No entangling political alliances. What part of that piece of wisdom do the US Government bureaucrats and politicians not understand? The blowback from Asia might not be as limited as the blowback we received from the middle east.

  2. What was that about the Russians interfering in US elections?
