Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Strip Club Empire Pledges to Send Erotic Dancers to Area 51

The top adult entertainment company in Nevada is reportedly set to storm Area 51 next month — with strippers, reports The New York Post.

The highly publicized “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” raid, scheduled for September 20 is expected to bring an unknown size of participants to the government deemed off-limits location. Now, there will be the strippers.

“Come September 20, we’ll be there,” Ryan Carlson, director of operations at Déjà Vu Services, told KSNV.

“We know what most Americans know: that strippers make any event better, and this one will be no exception.”

Carlson said Déjà Vu Services is sending about a dozen erotic dancers and the company’s mobile strip club — the “Strippermobile.”

Sounds like a great teaching moment for anti-government, civil disobedience activities.



  1. This is going to turn out to be party somewhere outside the limits of area 51 and the handful or less people that actually go past the signs will be treated in the usual fashion.

  2. Sounds like "bread and circuses" to distract the potential "raid."

  3. I am, herewith, nobly and selflessly offering my services to drive the strippermobile...
