Tuesday, August 27, 2019

SF Restaurant Owner Says Bernie Sanders Was Cranky, Rude to Staff

Cranky Bernie
Politico reports:

BERNIE THE CRANK? Dems in town for DNC packed in John’s Grill, the 111-year old bistro that’s become a go-to for pols in San Francisco. Owner John Konstin tells POLITICO he hosted a full house, including a big party with Secretary of State Alex Padilla and Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis, all led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was “pure class.”

— Says Konstin: “It was all very nice, except for cranky Bernie.” The Vermont senator (who ordered lobster bisque, an heirloom tomato salad and a Diet Coke) arrived for dinner with about 15 of his team — but “he didn’t want to shake hands, he didn’t want a picture,’’ Konstin reports. And there was no campaign face, either, apparently: “He wasn’t nice to any of the staff,’’ says the veteran restaurateur. The “rude and cranky” 2020 candidate did have an impact, Konstin says. “He lost my vote.”

RW note: I think I am going to have to take Walter Block, Bernie's high school classmate, here for dinner when he is in town for our debate, so the people at John's Grill can see what a class act a libertarian from  Madison High School in Brooklyn is like.


  1. Typical left-winger: loves humanity; hates humans.

  2. Typical left Winger: A totalitarian know-it-all monster; Hates humans.

  3. Bernie’s like the grumpy, crazy uncle at the family reunion. You want to put as much distance between you and him as possible.

    1. Needs to be kept out of sight at the back of the house like the other Socialism nut job bartender from NY
