Monday, July 29, 2019

Rand Paul Willing to Contribute to Buying a Ticket for Rep. Ilhan Omar to Visit Somalia

UPDATE  HOT Omar responds(below)

Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar retweeted vile sentiments from actor Tom Arnold on Monday, justifying the violent attack on Senator Rand Paul by his neighbor — which left him with broken ribs and fluid in his lungs. Below:


  1. I agree! Has Rand been labeled a 'da rasis' yet? I'm enjoying the Orange Man Bad's trolling. He making 'racist' a meaningless and BS term and the left are more than happy to help him out.

    RW and others won't admit it, but Trump's pissing on the media as 'fake news' and showing what a bunch worthless dolts they are has been a great public service.

    1. I'll label him 'da stupid', if that rocks your boat.

    2. Don't you have some lawns to mow? You are probably not even qualified for that.

  2. Randy just hates that unlike him, Rep. Omar has the balls to dare say that elected legislators should be loyal to America , not to a foreign country such as israel.

    Rand Paul: "Any attack on Israel will be treated as an attack on the United States." (:30 seconds)

    Rand Paul: "Proud to sign a resolution welcoming Israeli PM Netanyahu to Congress."

    Rand Paul has condemned the confederate flag and callled it "a symbol of hate and murder," whereas his father Ron gave speeches in front of the same confederate flag. By the way, while Rand hates the confederate flag, he literally flies the Israeli flag on his campaign website.

    "There's probably 20 different groups in our country who support the nation of Israel and support them as our ally. I speak to them all the time. I visit with them daily and weekly in our office." (2 minute video

    Rand Paul: "When We Become The Old White Man's Party We're Never Going To Win An Election!".

    This guy is a sellout to the enth degree and is a disgrace.
    There is much, much, much much more on this dreadful, Romney-endorsing clown here:

    (Note that the U.S. Senate & Congress has visited that page multiple times,😂 screen shot of visitor logs included.)

    1. Rand doesn't want to be primaried for not showing at least some token effort of kissing the orange-peel man's shinny behind and so presents a cutesy and utterly value-less attempt at a witty remark. Where is Rand getting the notion that Omar does not appreciate America? Is it because she doesn't show enough deference towards the fearless leader? There's nothing wrong with attacking Omar's nutty and wrongheaded policy prescriptions because the ideas are stupid, but to say that she should make a show of allegiance to her white superiors by loving the president and, I guess, the flag and apple pie?

    2. @ Humanum: Prepare to be banned from social media for these viewpoints. Any criticism of Israel or any jewish person is antisemitism.

    3. I dont know Paul I think its about time we say Kufc Israel. Let the middle east chew them up. They went from oppressed to being an oppressor and so I have no sympathy for them.

      Stand on your own 2 feet or learn to work with others.

  3. How did Tom Arnold get all those manly roles in movies when he is so completely whipped?

  4. Rand is right if he is thinking of what the US used to be, and perhaps what it still represents, but is not, in fact. But if so, he should say so.

  5. Like it or not, going against AIPAC is a political suicide. Money talks.

  6. "Somalia has no God-given rights as guaranteed in the Constitution..." LOL, on a few different levels... ha ha...

  7. The only person with standing to be triggered and offended is Rep Omar; The rest of us who are bothered are victims by proxy, i.e. being offended on her behalf, which is absurd.
    That being said, aren't just about all Americans, at heart and in practice, chronic gripers and complainers about conditions in America---just like Rep Omar---? I guess Rand Paul wants us all to visit our forebears's shit-hole countries so we will be delighted over the way things are going here.
