Friday, June 14, 2019

Charles Koch and George Soros Team Up to "Fight Extremism"

Charles Koch
This is just sad.

On July 17, the After Charlottesville Project will host its second summit. This year in San Francisco, California. Sponsors of the event include Comcast NBCUniversal, the Kresge Foundation, the Soros Fund Charitable Foundation and The Charles Koch Foundation.
The CIA linked Ford Foundation is also a supporter.

Lefty Valley firms that will send attendees include Eventbrite, Mozilla, Pinterest, Patreon and Airbnb.

Of note, Pinterest and Patreon have been aggressive blackballers of various conservatives under the guise of combatting extremism.

The specific focus this year will be the ‘private tech sector’ and ‘best practices on the fight against hate and extremism online,’ according to the event’s press release.

In other words, it will be about how to expand censorship and how to justify it.

Attention Jordan Peterson, please hurry.



  1. It sounds like they're about to free market the hell out of free speech.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. And you prefer people aren't free. Got it!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ---"In other words, it will be about how to expand censorship and how to justify it."---

    You can thank Trump and his despicable band of Trump-a-likes for giving censorship a more socially-acceptable face. It's all about fighting extremism precisely because white supremacists and other paranoids came out from under rocks and rotten plywood, encouraged by orange-peel man and his racist innuendo and equivocations. People who previously defended offensive speech, at least in principle, became nauseated enough to drop such defense. This is the fault of Trumpists and their tikki torch-carrying buddies.

    1. So you're for free speech unless white people advocate in their own self interests, then not so much? Got it!

    2. Hahhahaha thats funny! Sure Cheeto in Chief contributed to the mindset to censor, but its all the liberal mind The fault losers that have taken action.

      The real fault of implementation lies solely with the left!

    3. You cant blame Trump for something that was happening before he ran. This is not new, and Trump is the result of this crap not the cause.

    4. It's just an excuse to squeeze out independent media. What do Soros and Koch have in common? Multi-billion dollar interests in traditional media and tech giants.
