Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The BIG Lesson of the Robert Kraft Massage Parlor Arrest

By Robert Wenzel

Tucker Carlson and Dave Portnoy do a great job in the video below of exploding the myth that sex trafficking was going on at the massage parlor that New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft frequented.

The sex trafficking claim by law enforcement is being used to dirty up what really went down at Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter, Florida when the lonely 77-year old, and widowed, Kraft visited the spa

It is not the first time I have heard about law enforcement making bogus sex trafficking claims.

A friend of mine is the general manager of a major hotel in a major city. Law enforcement once contacted him for permission to use two rooms to set up a sting operation to bust a human trafficking operation. One room was to be used for the recording equipment and the other for the sting.

He didn't think corporate would go for it but he checked. To his surprise, corporate approved the co-operation with law enforcement (both local and federal). The thinking from corporate was that they are often accused of not doing enough to stop prostitution in their hotels and they would be able to point to this sex trafficking sting operation as evidence that they co-operate.

My friend observed the operation and was expecting a pimp to be brought in to a room with sex slaves. This was a sex trafficking sting after all. To his surprise, the sting consisted of a woman in a room waiting for johns to come up to the hotel room who had seen an internet web page for escorts.

Law enforcement busted a few young guys and an old man. That was the extent of that "sex trafficking" sting.

The point here is that much of law enforcement lies to get their way and they don't care who it hurts. Big lies and little lies. The arrest of Julian Assange on a bogus hacking charge is another example on a much bigger level.

We should always be distrustful of law enforcement claims. "Show me the detailed proof," should be our guide when they make claims. They should not be trusted on their word. Government protects law enforcement and so they correctly know they will not be prosecuted for their lies.

Here is Carlson and Portnoy destroying the sex trafficking charge made in Florida (via Dale Steinreich) .


 I hope Kraft really destroys the law enforcement careers of these lying bastards.

Robert Wenzel is Editor & Publisher of and Target Liberty. He also writes EPJ Daily Alert and is author of The Fed Flunks: My Speech at the New York Federal Reserve Bank and most recently Foundations of Private Property Society Theory: Anarchism for the Civilized Person Follow him on twitter:@wenzeleconomics and on LinkedIn. His youtube series is here: Robert Wenzel Talks Economics. More about Wenzel here.


  1. The human traffickers who get busted are like the college admissions bribers which get bustes: low hanging, unconnected scalpers who aren't paid up with the right people.

  2. Florida law enforcement’s reasoning today on why they just have to release the video because as we know they never resist a FOIA request, made me barf. “We can’t not obey a FOIA request just because there are constitutional issues being considered here, why, we must follow the law!” Jackasses. Take ‘em down Mr. Kraft.
