Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Son, of Lawyer Who Questioned Bill Clinton Before Grand Jury, Has Been Murdered

Several updates below.

For the record.

Samuel Bennett (23), was simply out for a jog when someone shot and killed him near the Big-4 Rail Trail in Zionsville, IN, reports WTHR TV13.

Police say early Sunday morning, before dawn, Bennett parked his car at Jennings Field, then went for a run. A quarter-mile in, someone shot and killed him.

A dog walker found his body near a retention pond just off the path.

Investigators say Bennett wasn't robbed. His wallet was still on him and his cell phone was still in his car, according to the TV13 report.

 Bennett is the son of prominent Indianapolis attorney Jackie Bennett Jr.

From the Bennett law firm web site:
Prior to entering private practice in Indianapolis, Jackie was a federal prosecutor for 14 years.  He served in the Office of Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr from 1995 to 1999, the last two years as the Principal Deputy in charge of the OIC’s Washington, D.C. operations.  Jackie supervised the day-to-day operations of that office and was involved in a number of high profile investigations and prosecutions.  He served as senior advisor to Judge Starr on investigative and prosecutorial aspects of several matters, including the Impeachment Referral of William Jefferson Clinton.  In that regard, he was one of three prosecutors selected by Judge Starr to conduct the grand jury questioning of President Clinton. Jackie also played a principal role in several trials during the Arkansas phase of the Whitewater Investigation, including the 1996 fraud and conspiracy trial resulting in the convictions of then-sitting Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker and former Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan owners Jim and Susan McDougal.

A reader adds:

Zionsville is the richest and one of the safest places in Indiana.


From The New York Times (June 22, 1998)
After her testimony in the grand jury room, Gloria Cabe was left with a memory of such prosecutorial zeal in the performance of Jackie M. Bennett Jr. that four years later she still finds it chilling for its unfettered aggressiveness.
"He was shouting, telling me I was a liar and everybody in the room knew I was a liar," said Ms. Cabe, board counselor for the Export Import Bank. She was recalling her summons to the Whitewater grand jury when Bennett was delving into Bill Clinton's Arkansas years and proving himself as the right-hand man of Kenneth W. Starr, the independent counsel. 
A lightning rod for critics, a stalwart to colleagues.
"Bennett's style is the meanest attack dog that I've ever seen displayed in any professional setting," added Ms. Cabe, not a target of the investigation and speaking from the perspective of scar-toughened years in the Arkansas Legislature and several Clinton campaigns.

(ht Eric Morris)


  1. Apparently HRC wanted to make a serious point in her upcoming investigation.

  2. Judging from the locale, it must have been a Zionist. (sorry)

  3. Crossing the Clinton Cabal is worse than the Mafia these days

  4. Mossad is really getting ballsy these days.

  5. The kid who killed Bennett confessed and was arrested. Waiting in jail to stand trial now.

    Zionsville isn’t that safe anymore. There have been a few murders here the past few years.

    Not much of a conspiracy. More like a kid Bennett used to work with was mad. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wthr.com/article/court-documents-man-arrested-zionsville-murder-admitted-it%3famp
