Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Elizabeth Warren is Polling in Third Place in Her Home State of Massachusetts

Emerson has released a poll finding Elizabeth Warren in third place in her home state of Massachusetts with just 14 percent support in a Democratic primary.

Sen. Bernie Sanders comes in with 26% of the vote and Joe Biden is at 23%.

Philip Klein writes:
This is a pretty embarrassing showing.
And Emerson's director of polling, Spencer Kimball said:
This is a concern for Warren who at this time does not have a firewall in her home state.
Great! Biden and Sanders are far from libertarians but they are not as interventionist as Warren. Yes, Bernie is a whack job socialist but it doesn't appear that he comes close to the nutty interventionist proposals of Warren.

Let us hope that Massachusetts scalps the .00001% Indian.



  1. She's unlikeable. And an interventionist who proposes solutions to problems she made up in her mind, yet esoteric enough that people don't relate to those windmills she intends to tilt. I think people understand she's a phony, a staunch defender of yet another example of cronyism, the Export Import Bank.

  2. You mean when it comes to E. Warren, people have reservations??
