Friday, April 19, 2019

A Chilling Take on What Might Happen to Julian Assange

Karen Kwiatkowski,  a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel whose assignments included duties as a Pentagon desk officer and a variety of roles for the National Security Agency, writes:

We will soon be seeing a Jamal Kashoggi style snatch and grab, only instead of cutting Julian Assange up in small pieces in Belmarsh Prison in London, he will be moved in the dark of night into one of the US rendition facilities around the world, very likely a place with a heavy UK and US presence like Diego Garcia. 

CIA chief and torture architect Gina Haspel knows what’s up, and what’s going down. She and her former-pea-in-a-strange-pod boss Pompeo are working this, and Trump happily “knows nothing about Wikileaks.”

He will likewise know nothing about the pieces that will be cut from Julian Assange, and the drugs, deprivation, and special interrogation techniques that will be applied in order to what?  Get information that isn’t reliable and can’t be used in court?...
Beyond specific short-term goals, there are the longer-term goals of the deep state, both parties, and Pompous and Butthead and their tribe.  These include obviously, deterrence of government criticism, and strong deterrence of whistleblowers and sharing information with Wikileaks specifically.  It includes the steering of major social media and data companies around the world away from horrific government revelation porn, and towards the legit family-style porn, which in this particular case will include the snuffing of Julian Assange.
You heard it here first.  No one will be happier to be called a misguided, down home dumbass than me if we see a public trial of Mr. Assange in the Free Nation of the United States Eastern District Court, with a top notch defense team paid for by Kim Dot Com, hundreds of defense witnesses and lots of global news coverage.
If Assange is disappeared and buried at sea in accordance with his faith in the next 18 months, the US and the rest of the world’s governments who uniformly failed to prevent this will have indicated to the people that liberty and transparency is dead, and there is no more reason to talk.


1 comment:

  1. Her assertions are not extreme at all. This is a watershed moment carrying an importance few can conceive at this point in time.
