Saturday, January 5, 2019

WAR: Facebook vs. The New York Times

Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg and other Facebook executives are fed up with The New York Times after weeks of what they see as overtly antagonistic coverage that betrays an anti-Facebook bias, reports NBC News.

According to ABC News, the frustration was rekindled this week after the Times bought a sponsored post on Facebook to promote "a step-by-step guide to breaking up with" Facebook and Instagram — a move sources likened to Facebook taking out an ad in the Times encouraging readers to cancel their subscriptions.

The sponsored ad came after weeks of Times articles that cast Facebook as a reckless, data-hungry behemoth with little regard for user privacy or the integrity of American politics.

Asked by ABC News to respond to the criticism, Times executive editor Dean Baquet said Facebook was "a big company with unusual power that finds itself in the middle of some of the largest issues of the day — privacy and political meddling."


1 comment:

  1. "The sponsored ad came after weeks of Times articles that cast Facebook as a reckless, data-hungry behemoth with little regard for user privacy or the integrity of American politics."

    It's always fun to see Progressives eat their own, but it's also amusing to see how the Times attacks Facebook for doing the very same things that the national-security state does, to which the Times turns a blind eye. At least Facebook can go out of business if its victims revolt; no such luck with the national-security state under which we live.
