Saturday, December 8, 2018

Protests Underway in Paris; Arc de Triomphe Area and Eiffel Tower Closed

A fourth week of protests is taking place in Paris and other French cities.

The protests, which were triggered by a "climate change" fuel tax, have expanded to include calls by most of the protesters for the resignation of French President Emmanuel Marcon and many taking an anti-capitalist turn by calling for the implementation of a higher minimum wage and higher taxes on corporations.

At least 700 hundred have been arrested.

But as Daniel McAdams and I have pointed out, protests and revolutions are not necessarily a positive in and of themselves. If a revolution is not demanding liberty, it can turn out very bad.

There is no indication the Yellow Vest protests are about liberty.

Here's ABC News reporting from the streets of Paris:



1 comment:

  1. Democratic socialism in its unvarnished state.
    In the main, the stupid, collectivist masses don't really have an issue with onerous taxation, as long as the right people get taxed.
