Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Will the Deep State Take Down Trump Over the Khashoggi Murder?

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and President Trump
This is getting really interesting.

President Trump sent these tweets out earlier today:

Nobody believes this. MBS is almost certainly behind the murder.

Meanwhile, in Riyadh, Trump's Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, makes nice with MBS.

As I have already noted:
The MBS connection could become the real undoing of Trump. Mainstream media is not going to forget the killing of one of its own and that Trump and Kushner are close to MBS, it makes it way too convenient to tie the three of them together and deliver them on a silver platter to the masses.
Trump is playing a very dangerous game here. If MSM does not change its narrative soon, it is going to be a big problem for Trump.

And almost every hour we are seeing new stories like these two that are just out:

And then you have Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican close to President Donald Trump, accusing MBS of ordering the murder of Khashoggi.

Unless things change, it is going to be very dangerous for Trump to remain close to MBS.

Maybe it is a good time for Trump to consider George Washington's advice not to meddle in foreign affairs,



  1. Trump is playing this the only way he can. Perhaps his haters would go away if he blamed the assassination at the consulate building on a radical YouTube video that enraged the Saudis?

    1. Nonsense. If Trump were honest, decent or honorable he would hang these barbarians out to dry. We don't need them. They're more trouble than they're worth. They chop people's heads off. We should throw them to the wolves.

    2. "They", "barbarians", "we"? It sounds like you're not only engaging in collectivism, but valuing one group over another based on their culture. Are you finally taking medication for your lolbertarian autism, or is this just a momentary lapse in virtue signaling?

  2. The MSM seems to have forgotten Michael Hastings. That was five years ago now but, at the time the MSM wasn’t exactly digging deep for the truth. The MSM seems to be handling the murder of Jamal Khashoggi more robustly. They don’t seem to be as intimidated by the Saudis as they are of the CIA.

    If Trump is going to back MBS after he had Khashoggi chopped into pieces, The Donald deserves to be called out by all media.

  3. What bald hypocracy on the part of the presstitutes and the pols. MBS whacks a "journalist" intelligence asset who went off the reservation and these people become apoplectic. Meanwhile our government and their British catamites have essentially imprisoned Julian Assange in an attempt to drive him to suicide for nearly a decade. Where's Lisping Lindsey Graham on that one? Well he's one of the chickenhawks calling for Assange to be judicially murdered. Give me a break.

    1. What an embarrassing typo - hypocrisy not "hypocracy". My government schooling is showing.

  4. Trump will be got rid off by rising fed interest rates.

    Alex: the media are the lackeys of the CIA

  5. Pissing off Saudi Arabia poses major risks for the strength of the USD. That could be a key factor in how this plays out.

    1. Not any more than pissing off Russians or the Chinese... Both of which trade in USD significantly - much to the disappointment of mercantilists in the White House.

    2. I was thinking of the deal struck in the early 70s with the Saudis, whereby they agreed to price oil in USD, creating the "petrodollar," which has created a hard floor on the dollar's value. If they no longer required USD for their oil, this could pull the rug out from under the dollar.

  6. Im missing something. Granted it is tragic, but people are murdered all over the world all the time. Why is the murder of a reporter so special?
