Monday, August 20, 2018

More on J. Dallas Bowser

James Dallas Bowser
As a follow up to my post, THE SUNDAY LOOK INTO THE NYT ARCHIVES: "Negro Finds Way to Wealth" By Profiting From Racism, Mises Institute senior fellow David Gordon emails:
Here is some more material on J.D. Bowser.
From the Wikipedia page:
In 1899, Bowser published a poem which was a response to Rudyard Kipling's The White Man's Burden called Take up the Black Man's Burden, writing, "Take up the Black Man's burden/Send forth the best ye breed,/To judge with righteous judgement/The Black Man's work and need,//...//Let the glory of your people/Be the making of great men,/The lifting of the lowly,/To noble thought and aim." The poem drew connections between racism and imperialism, criticizing both. It also contains a theme of black self-improvement which was advocated by Booker T. Washington.

1 comment:

  1. --- It also contains a theme of black self-improvement which was advocated by Booker T. Washington.---

    A lesson that his fellow men and women today should heed rather than share the "blame others" mentality that permeates the thinking among many in the black community and DJT supporters.
