Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Democratic Socialists' Presence Explodes on Campuses Nationwide (Including across the street from the Mises Institute)

Thanks, Trump.

The Young Democratic Socialists of America organization claims to have added more than 200 campus chapters over the past year, up from just 15 chapters in 2016, reports Campus Reform.

YDSA is the student-focused branch of the Democratic Socialists of America which is “a political and activist organization” that seeks to “empower working people” and has several ongoing campaigns, including Medicare for All, Strong Unions, and Electoral Power.

“When we originally launched the YDSA fall campus drive, we set the bold target of 100 campuses across the country,” the recognized chapter list states. “Currently, we've received over 250 campuses register for the fall drive! This explosion in interest shows that this semester will be the biggest ever for YDSA. We will be able to build a mass movement for democratic socialism and justice at campuses across the country.”

Auburn University, across from the Mises Institute has a chapter as does Berkeley, UCLA, USC, Stanford, Yale, Boston College, Duke, Princeton, Rutgers, Rutgers Law, Columbia, NYU and George Mason.

It does not appear that there is a chapter at Harvard or the University of Chicago at this time.


1 comment:

  1. During the 2012 primary season, Ron Paul came to my town to speak at University of San Diego. I went to see him speak. The campus area set aside for him was a large open quad. It was packed. Absolutely packed. College kids had climbed trees to see him. I have the pictures still and can share them.

    Did that mean an explosion of libertarianism among college kids? No.

    College kids look for alternative views.
