Monday, July 23, 2018

Papers Please! Video Shows Border Patrol Agent Asking Bus Passengers If They're Citizens



  1. Welcome to Trumpland, where authorities now ask you 'Papieren, bitte!'

    All hail the Fuehrer!

  2. This is the commie shithole Lab Manager wants to turn into, a la East Germany.

    1. For those who do support this type of thing, remember, until CBP boards a bus, or stops a car, or enters a house or business premises, it does not know who is in there. So this violent interference in one's daily activities could just as easily happen to a bus, car, house, or business full of American citizens. Who wants to live like that, having to put up with the state's goons delaying you, frightening away customers, etc.?

    2. I'm not ashamed of anything I have. Illegal immigrants need to be rounded up and sent back to their country of origin. I can only hope those who criticize me will raped or killed by illegal immigrant. And yes, Torres whites are superior in a lot of ways. You have yet to show me that Africa or Central America or other places are on par with a white run society. But enjoy humping your fat mestizo woman or maybe a goat in your shack.

    3. --- Who wants to live like that, having to put up with the state's goons delaying you, frightening away customers, etc ---

      Apparently, Trumpistas want to live like that, because they seem to believe that state thuggery only affects others and not them. Trumpistas are so clueless, they really think things like e-Verify and checkpoints are about trapping "illegulz who takum er jebz" and not about the State projecting its power by inconveniencing and threatening peaceful citizens while keeping a loyal army of unproductive mediocrities employed, who were promised an early retirement and a juicy taxpayer-funded pension.

    4. “white run society”

      Central planner detected

    5. Re: He-Who-Fantasizes-About-White-European-Males,

      ── I'm not ashamed of anything I have. ──

      Yeah, sure, you say that because... no one asked you.

      ── Illegal immigrants need to be rounded up and sent back to their country of origin. ──

      Actually, you can't presume to know what people need.

      ── I can only hope those who criticize me will [be] raped or killed by [an] illegal immigrant. ──

      By the same immigrant, you hope. To each of us.

      Yes, Trupistas are statistically-challenged.

      ── And yes, Torres whites are superior in a lot of ways. ──

      I can't personally vouch for that as, unlike you, I don't dream of white males' schlongs. You seem to have more... intimate knowledge, based on your preferences... ;)

      ── You have yet to show me that Africa or Central America or other places are on par with a white run society. ──

      Indeed? And what is a 'white-run society'?

    6. Lab Manager really is a sorry sad little excuse of a human being. Where do such people come from? What do you guys think happened to him? He's clearly a very unhappy and demented person. I mean what is with this guy?

  3. Reasonable suspicion within 100 miles of the US Border per 1940s era immigration laws. If people are unhappy, quit riding the bus. Or sue the bus company. See how that works. You agreed to the T&C when you boarded that bus. You're on their property and they will comply with US law, as most businesses are wont to do.

    By the way, have you heard as of July 10 that at least 5 adults detained crossing the border with children were not those kids' parents? Before the media cried it was all about saving the children. Now it's don't ask, don't tell.

    1. You make it sound like the bus company invited the federal thugs onto its bus to harass its customers.

    2. Re: Stuffed Pimento,

      --- Reasonable suspicion within 100 miles of the US Border per 1940s era immigration laws. ---

      A great majority of Americans live inside that 100 mile band between borders, ports or coastline, and the American Gestapo's roadblocks.

      --- quit riding the bus. Or sue the bus company. ---

      Yeah... Remember Rosa Parks? How her valiant resistance led to a civil rights movement that upended all of the white supremacists' favorite laws? So, be careful with what you say, because the next Rosa Parks is going to do just that.

    3. Shhh Pimento they dont want to hear inconvenient truth. I think they are scarred bu the last populism convoy!

    4. To your first point, the question is not whether you agreed to terms which say that the bus company will comply with the legislation, or whether the bus company as a private business should be courageous enough to flout the legislation (it probably wouldn't last too long), but whether the legislation is itself just. If the only test of justice is whether legislation is duly passed and enforced, that's a very low, pathetic standard to live by.

      I wonder if those who believe we should live by that standard would complain if the state seized their property through eminent domain legislation, or passed legislation entitling it to seize vehicles with V8 engines.

    5. Hey SJWs take a stand and cut up your driver's licenses. Burn your birth certificates and Social Security Cards. Take a stand with your illegal invading brethren you cowardly lions.

      @NAPster courageous business owners stand up to the State all the time. They flout the law and challenge the result in the courts and in the court of public opinion. There's no injustice or rights violation in this case.

      @Francisco happy reading you race baiting America hating illegal invader loving Engels/Marxist/Leninist:

    6. SP, it depends on what your theory of rights is. If your theory recognizes the unlimited right of a private-property owner to use his property as he sees fit, provided he doesn't interfere with others' similar rights, then this type of legislation would be unjust, because it permits the state's goons to (a)steal the private property of others to fund their operations, (b) trespass on private property in boarding the bus, and (c) detain individuals who are not causing harm to anyone.

      Since your theory of rights must be different, what is that theory?

    7. Wait, you’re pissing your pants because there might be (gasp!) an ILLEEEGAL riding on a bus, but *someone else* is a coward?

    8. NAPster, under your line of hypothetical reasoning the bus company is violating property rights too by (a) using a legal fiction created by the State to limit the liability of the company's owners and (b) freeloading on taxpayer funded roads by paying the same tax rate as smaller automobiles yet causing more wear on roads and driving more miles on average

      The bus company seems not to mind the State's agents boarding their buses to check for ID. You're projecting "trespass on private property." The evidence does not support your claim. From the evidence, no one's private property rights are being abused, except maybe taxpayers depending on whether you think policing is a legitimate function of the State.

      And as far as I'm aware, the border patrol agents only detain suspected criminals.

      @Evan How many children sold into bondage does it take for you to want illegal invaders vetted? So sad the libertarian movement that Ron Paul built has spawned "What is Aleppo?" level thinkers

    9. SP, if a mugger points a gun at you and says "Your money or your life," and you give him your money, that's hardly a consensual action. Under a private-property theory of rights, you're entitled to BOTH your money and your life. Thus things individuals do to lessen violence from the state hardly qualify as consensual.

      The bus company sold a ticket to each rider, and its ongoing business is to transport those to whom it sells tickets. I don't know what type of business you run, but it would be hard to see why, in the free market, a business would want a third party to interrupt its business model by potentially dragging out paying passengers, or otherwise delaying their journey. If the CBP's actions are perfectly in line with what businesses would want, then why would there need to be any sanctions written into the legislation (or implicit in Supreme Court decisions) against businesses which refuse entry to CBP agents?

      Under a private-property theory of rights, the state itself is illegitimate and unjust, because of the way it funds itself through using force, and because it uses force to interfere in voluntary exchanges. So taxes, roads, state policing, etc. are all unjust.

      Your response seems to implicitly assume that the state is legitimate, in taxing, claiming control over roads, acting as a security agency, etc. I'm interested in how you arrive at this conclusion, and (within that rubric) how you would decide which actions of the state are just and unjust.

    10. I’m pretty sure no one believes the “we’re doing it for the children” bullshit anymore

    11. Re: Stuffed Pimento,

      --- The bus company seems not to mind the State's agents boarding their buses to check for ID. ---

      Just like no one really 'minds' (i.e. resists) being audited by the IRS, SP. The power of the State is based on its effective bullying. It doesn't mean people or companies think their acquiescence lends moral validity to its actions.

      --- From the evidence, no one's private property rights are being abused, ---

      Yes, their rights were abused: their right to liberty, to peaceful travel, to be secured in their persons and belongings.

      --- happy reading you race baiting America hating illegal invader loving Engels/Marxist/Leninist [blah blah blah usual Trumpista pap] ---

      Gawddamned, SP, you're clueless. Leaving aside the chutzpah of calling someone a 'Marxist' while at the same time justifying state aggression against peaceful citizens, you also seem mathematically challenged by claiming bus companies dont pay their fair share of road usage, despite the fact that buses use less road (in terms of space and wear) by number of users compared to other motor vehicles.

      The point I was making about Rosa Parks is that state thuggery will breed resistance and revolution, and just like the white supremacists' favorite laws were throen into the dustbin of history, so too are the xenophobes' favorite laws under threat from resistance and revolution because you, xenophobe, statist and ignorant Trumpista, justified too many examples of state thuggery against peaceful and non-threatening people, mostly American citizens.

    12. Yes Jesus, Ludwig von Mises, and I believe the State is necessary. I also don't reduce human beings to mere economic inputs like you lot do.

      You seem to think a Stateless society would be more open than our current society. There's no evidence to support that. In fact, it appears the opposite would be true.

      By the way, I forgot to mention that the teacher was violating property rights with her taxpayer paid salary, and her iPhone was manufactured by a violation of property rights by Apple taking government subsidies.

      Funny you mention a mugger because the Bus Company's T&C forbid passengers from carrying weapons on their person or in their luggage. So the bus company is violating property rights. Why would someone voluntarily give up the right to defend themselves? Must be coercive.

      I'm not making "ought" arguments. If you think something "ought" to be done, then do it. Hence my cowardly lions quip.

      Under a quantum theory of property rights, all physical property is made of molecules, which are made up of mostly nothing, meaning that no property is solid and therefore cannot be protected or violated.

      @Franny Engels/Marx/Lenin all advocated immigration of the third world proletariats into the Capitalist societies to destroy the existing culture and bring down the predatory bourgeoisie.

      Illegal invaders are not peaceful citizens. They are criminal aliens. They all rob Americans of tax dollars and democratic representation, and some of them also rob Americans of life, liberty and property. Rosa Parks was an American citizen and should have always been treated as such. Your Al Sharpton race baiting routine is getting old.

      I'm a liberal nationalist just like Mises and Trump, not a xenophobe or statist or ignorant. You are a colonialist, Marxist, useful tool of the totalitarian globalists.

    13. SP, libertarianism does not "reduce human beings to mere economic inputs." In fact, libertarianism recognizes the preciousness and sovereignty of every individual, through its fundamental principle that no one is entitled to initiate or threaten violence against anyone else or their other property (remember, no matter what else he owns, each man's most important piece of property is his own body). If all men are metaphysically equal, in the sense of having the same fundamental capacity for consciousness, conceiving, rationalizing, and acting, then there is no way to justify that some men are entitled to live by a different behavioral code than others. Yet this is exactly what the state stands for, namely, that some men -- those at the state apparatus -- are entitled to initiate or threaten violence, such as through taxation and regulation. The question is not whether the state is "necessary," but whether it can be justified, and I've never heard a cogent justification of why some men are entitled to live by this special behavioral code. Yes, many of the functions the state performs are "necessary," but that is an argument for these functions, not for the state to be the provider of these services. Libertarianism rejects the notion that these functions may legitimately be imposed through the initiation of force; instead, these necessary functions can and ought to be provided through consensual arrangements.

      Many of the other points you cite, such as the bus company prohibiting passengers from carrying firearms, and the quantum theory of property rights, indicate a misunderstanding of the purpose, nature, and implementation of property rights.

  4. I've been through that checkpoint many times, the officers there are actually very professional compared to say, Laredo tx where they are dreadful.

    1. Re: Humanum Genus,

      ── I've been through that checkpoint many times, the officers there are actually very professional compared to say, Laredo tx where they are dreadful ──

      Agents of the State can be very polite while committing their thuggish activities, H.

      ── Nogales #USBP agents find and arrest a Mexican national illegally present in the US ──

      Right. That surely justifies trampling all over the Constitution. All hail the State!

  5. CBP Arizona

    Nogales #USBP agents find and arrest a Mexican national illegally present in the US with previous convictions for indecent exposure. #CBP is #ProtectingTheFrontline

  6. And for the ignorant, despite what the media says, there are thousands of Mexican American citizens who have served in the military and work jobs and pay taxes that don't want the illegal hordes here either. I"m sorry their country's suck balls, but they need to go back.

    1. Well gee, I mean, if they served in the military we better listen to them...

    2. Re: He-Who-Fantasizes-About-White-European-Males,

      ── [...] there are thousands of Mexican American citizens who have served in the military and work jobs [...] ──

      Were they also anchor babies? Because that's a thing among Trumpista circles...

      ── that don't want the illegal hordes here either. ──

      Like that makes a difference. Thousands, millions even, want free healthcare, that doesn't mean free healthcare is justified as a policy or thing.
