Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Cynthia Nixon Announces She’s a ‘Democratic Socialist’

Cynthia Nixon, who is challenging two-term incumbent New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in a Sept. 13 Democratic Party primary, has just announced that she is a  democratic socialist.

“Yes. Some more establishment, corporate Democrats get very scared by this term but if democratic socialism means that you believe health care, housing, education and the things we need to thrive should be a basic right not a privilege then count me in,” Nixon said in the statement.

According to the New York Post, Nixon spokeswoman Lauren Hitt pointed out Nixon endorsed two candidates who are members of the Democratic Socialists of America — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who defeated Rep. Joe Crowley, and Julia Salazar, a candidate who is challenging Queens state Sen. Martin Dilan.

Nixon, who co-starred in the television series "Sex and the City,"  is also backed by the left-leaning Working Families Party.

She is in favor of higher taxes on the wealthy to fund more government spending.

Notes NyPo:
Nixon is clearly playing to left-leaning primary voters by talking up her socialist beliefs.
For his part, Cuomo has moved to the left in his second term, pushing for increases in the minimum wage, a family leave law and a tuition-free scholarship program for low- and middle-income students attending public colleges.
It does not appear that Nixon has the votes to take the Democratic nomination away from Cuomo. However, her willingness to associate herself with democratic socialists hints at the growing socialist movement in the United States and in particular in New York City.



  1. “Yes. Some more establishment, corporate Democrats get very scared by this term but if democratic socialism means that you believe health care, housing, education and the things we need to thrive should be a basic right not a privilege then count me in,”

    How can we tell the difference between a plain old Democrat and a Democratic Socialist? Or, for that matter, a Republican, since the GOP has not done anything material to oppose or curtail government healthcare, housing, and education programs.

  2. Another ugly female with a leftist viewpoint. Why am I not surprised? Leftist are ugly!

  3. Hahaha! We definitely agree on that Lab Manager!
