Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Andrew Napolitano’s Freedom Watch Show to Return to Fox Television

A very important, top level, second-hand dealer in ideas is back.

Adam Dick reports:
At the end of a new video interview with Nick Gillespie at Reason, Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Andrew Napolitano says that his Freedom Watch show, which aired on Fox Business from 2010 through 2102, will return to Fox television, “probably before Thanksgiving.”

What to expect from the new show? Napolitano says in the interview that the new Freedom Watch will deal with “the issues of human freedom and how the government — no matter who runs the Congress, who runs the White House, who’s on the [Supreme] Court — continues to wear away at our freedoms.” Napolitano further says the new show will be “very, very similar to the Freedom Watch that you and many people listening and watching us now knew and loved, and lamented the departure of.”


  1. and his first guest should be Ron Paul and Ron Paul should appear at least once per month.

  2. "Second hand dealer in ideas" sounds so "second rate". I prefer the term "retailer".

  3. His show was the best. Can hardly wait to see it again.
