Monday, March 19, 2018

It Is Not Fun Being a White Man in South Africa These Days

The Frankfurt School-inspired class battles reach new intensity in South Africa.
-Robert Wenzel 


  1. Obviously we just need to import these blacks here en masse to America so our magic dirt turns them into Rothbardian ancaps.

    1. I know! Let's have the feds shake down everyone at the border and kick down doors and round up peaceful people. That way lies freedom!

      I work with a guy who immigrated here from Africa when he was 17. Now he's a chemist. I've never seen him behave aggressively. And he's a libertarian. I'd trade him for you any day.

      When a bunch of American young adult males travel to another country uninvited to blow things up and kill people who never attacked them.... is that our magical western culture getting closer and closer to ancapistan?

      It's funny how the Cambodians had the go all the way to Paris, heart of western culture, to get educated enough to burn their society to the ground. Western culture.... working it's magic! Give me a W......

    2. Yes Donxon, we can appreciate there are a handful exceptions, and yes, I would not mind them here if that is what you say they are. But the masses of them and others are just as stupid as the ones here. There is a reason why Africa is a mess; most of them are simply stupid. The smart ones leave because they either have to become a corrupt person to to do well or leave.

      I was acquainted with a Columbian and Mexican woman who are engines and came here; Obama cocksuckers to say the least. Most of those to the south of us are stupid leftist, even the ones with decent education.

    3. The masses here are stupid. That's what masses are. So what? The IQ of the person whose rights you wish to violate does not matter at all.

      In your version of "libertarianism" it's ok to initiate violence against people, just so long as they're stupid. Fascinating. Does that mean we can just straight up murder the mentally handicap? How simple-minded does someone have to be for rape to be ok? If I whack you over the head and give you sever brain-damage, does the violence of the whack get grandfathered in by your subsequent low IQ (which isn't to say you have a high IQ now, you clearly do not, but the question illustrates a point)?

      I think you're stupid, among other things. Lucky for you I don't ascribe to your silly version of "libertarianism", but if we ever meet in person I might try it on so you can see how it fits.

    4. Re: He Who Dreams Of Lying With White European Men,

      --- Yes Donxon, we can appreciate there are a handful exceptions ---

      Actually the fact that South African blacks would vent their frustration against a convenient minority after receiving encouraging words from a populist demagogue is something you should identify with... Trumpista.

    5. @Dobson

      So he had to move away from Africans to be a chemist? Thanks for proving my point.

    6. He lives in Oakland. Plenty of Africans around.....

    7. I saw at least 9 or 10 other black people in that video, all acting peaceful, then horrified and alarmed---and one even moving to try and protect the white guy or apprehend the assailant. So going by your methodology of proving a stereotype (i.e. the most recent experience you've had), then this clip "proves" that only 1 in 10 black, South African immigrants is violent and unworthy of being allowed to immigrate to the West.

    8. Hey Torres, maybe Donxon could set you up with that black buck there. We know your cuck tendencies.

      Donxon, go live in ghetto minority neighborhood or an African country. You are like the leftards who find a couple decent immigrants and then extrapolate the ignorant hordes are the same.

    9. I live in Oakland you idiot. Lots and lots of black people around. I've never had a problem with any of them. None of them has ever tried to interfere with peaceful immigrants, so I'll take them over you any day. You're just a frightened little wuss. Did a black guy steal your girlfriend? Is that the issue here? Maybe you just have a small a penis.

    10. Libertarians by and large will just sit around and cheerlead for the status quo.

      "Sure, we are getting overrun but it doesn't impact me yet so I will just sit on my sorry ass doing jack shit."

      That is the mentality of a defeated coward, and why libertarians are never looked at as leaders.

    11. @Gilbert Goydfried

      It’s funny that someone who’s terrified of immigrants would throw a term like “coward” around.

    12. "Let's invite a police state because we're afraid of brown people."

      That is the attitude of a defeated coward.

    13. The fact of the matter is that white Europeans have done the most for humanity. Africans, collectively speaking, are stupid. Not a single first world African city on par with the US or anything in Europe.

      Here are those limited government libertardians from Mexico
      Over the last few weeks, I’ve spoken with lots of friends in Mexico. Sooner or later, we end up talking about Andrés Manuel López Obrador, or AMLO, or L.O. He is the candidate of Morena (his own very leftist party) and appears headed for a plurality victory between 25 and 30% in July.

  2. Darn Paul, you beat me to it! I was going to point out the same thing.

    We should also be importing all these Congolese as well. A white couple traveled by LandRover through the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 'YT' is not there to do any of that nefarious colonial oppression, so you would think the natural libertarian would take over and these people would have at least at the local level some stable government and keep their trash out of the streets and build some sort of road a few miles outside of town. Maybe Torres and my other critics could elaborate after reading over this forum post. I would sure hate to be a 'da rasis' for the rest of my life.

    1. Their expedition story & photos are fascinating.

    2. I would like to know whether my virtue signaling critics would like to go live with such people since race, IQ, and culture don't matter.

      I'm still waiting for the cowards here who call me racist to move to an African city and country that is on par with anything here, Canada, or Europe.

  3. "Class battles"? Really? What classes are battling here Mr Wenzel? You're not that dumb and neither is your readership.

  4. LOL. Wenzel throws out red meat. Resident bordernecks predictably take bait.

  5. Isn't it ironic that they demand we judge other races based on worst actors but not ours? It's like these collectivists do not understand hypocrisy. Obviously, only individuals should be judged based on the merits of his/her actions.
