I remember the way Media pundits, leftist and 'conservative' commentators scoffed at Ron Paul when he suggested that walls served not only to keep people out but also to keep people in. This is especially relevant now that you have so many right-wing socialists who support Trump's harebrained idea to wall the inside southern border, presumably to keep people out... While at the same time attacking and harassing companies who want to invest in building manufacturing capacity in other countries. The writing is, clearly, on the wall.
Ha on the pun at the end. Further proof of that is our good friends at the USG (more harmful than MSG) are now giving us permission to fly over the 39,000 foot wall on the way out.
─ Actually, everyone on this site has in-group preferences, ─
Yeah, sure.
It is one thing to have "in-group preferences" and quite another to ask the State to impose itself on the peaceful and voluntary transactions and contractual agreements between employers or renters and immigrants.
Whether someone prefers one race to another is irrelevant to libertarianism (although it may be highly relevant to one's lifestyle, cultural values, etc.). I don't doubt that we all have preferences as to who we wish to associate with and who we do not wish to associate with.
The key -- and only -- libertarian question is whether one initiates force to act on one's preferences.
"Your homo-erotic fantasies are racist. They all involve White European males."
The fact you Torres make a comment like this proves your leftist. Pretty clear you can't answer any of my retorts on race, culture, and IQ and why that matters if your going to have a libertarian society. If other cultures can't grasp those concepts even if they can copy the white guy, why should they be allowed to come?
Funny that the lack of freedom map across the world correlates pretty well with crappy cultures, races, and low IQ.
There's always Franciscoville. It will import millions of non-libertarians and yet be 100% libertarian thanks to a mechanism that hasn't yet been explained!
The libertardian manifesto in a couple of sentences:
"Nope. The magic dirt theory states that they will become small government, low tax libertarians because borders are illegitimate and culture is meaningless."
What is the relation between crime rates and immigrants? Are we really just keeping the more criminal inside and keeping the more productive and peaceful away?
Very telling that not a one can tell me why I am allegedly a racist. White European males have done the most for the world hands down. To deny that is just to be functionally stupid. Especially since no one calling me a 'da rasis' will move to a dysfunctional Latin American, Asian, or African country.
I remember the way Media pundits, leftist and 'conservative' commentators scoffed at Ron Paul when he suggested that walls served not only to keep people out but also to keep people in. This is especially relevant now that you have so many right-wing socialists who support Trump's harebrained idea to wall the inside southern border, presumably to keep people out... While at the same time attacking and harassing companies who want to invest in building manufacturing capacity in other countries. The writing is, clearly, on the wall.
ReplyDeleteHa on the pun at the end. Further proof of that is our good friends at the USG (more harmful than MSG) are now giving us permission to fly over the 39,000 foot wall on the way out.
No, no, Robert, since the racists on your site “know” that East Germany was really the heart of Prussia, no one would ever want to leave anyway.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious. Aside from "Manager", can you name any other racists on this site?
DeletePaul Hansen.
DeleteActually, everyone on this site has in-group preferences, I'm just not afraid to say it out loud.
Delete"I'm curious. Aside from "Manager", can you name any other racists on this site?"
DeleteHow exactly am I a 'da rasis'? If you are not moving to a ghetto minority neighborhood or Africa, I can presume that you yourself a racist?
Re: The Lab Mismanager,
Delete─ How exactly am I a 'da rasis'? ─
Your homo-erotic fantasies are racist. They all involve White European males.
Re: Paul Hansen,
Delete─ Actually, everyone on this site has in-group preferences, ─
Yeah, sure.
It is one thing to have "in-group preferences" and quite another to ask the State to impose itself on the peaceful and voluntary transactions and contractual agreements between employers or renters and immigrants.
Re: Francisco
DeleteWhen my tax dollars have to pay for you and your illegal family members to be on welfare, then it's no longer a voluntary transaction.
Japan doesn't allow any immigration. Are all 120 million of them racist? Or are they exercising common sense?
DeleteWhether someone prefers one race to another is irrelevant to libertarianism (although it may be highly relevant to one's lifestyle, cultural values, etc.). I don't doubt that we all have preferences as to who we wish to associate with and who we do not wish to associate with.
DeleteThe key -- and only -- libertarian question is whether one initiates force to act on one's preferences.
"Your homo-erotic fantasies are racist. They all involve White European males."
DeleteThe fact you Torres make a comment like this proves your leftist. Pretty clear you can't answer any of my retorts on race, culture, and IQ and why that matters if your going to have a libertarian society. If other cultures can't grasp those concepts even if they can copy the white guy, why should they be allowed to come?
Funny that the lack of freedom map across the world correlates pretty well with crappy cultures, races, and low IQ.
I have no problem with racists. Stupidity, after all, is not illegal or immoral.
DeleteActually, since you brought up IQ, you write "your" two times that should be spelled "you're".
DeleteI guess you must not be as white and as male as I am.
That was to Lab Manager btw.
DeleteDavid T, some mysterious Jewish person, but definitely not Rothbard or Mises, made Lab Manager type incorrectly.
Delete^Grammar Nazi
DeleteRe: Paul Hansen,
When my tax dollars have to pay for you and your illegal family members ---
You're not paying anything, then.
--- then it's no longer a voluntary transaction. ---
Take that to your government representative. Welfare is merely a political tool.
Re: The Lab Mismanager
Delete--- The fact you Torres make a comment like this proves your leftist. ---
You're just saying that because I don't want to participate in your homo-erotic fantasies.
Re: Francisco
Delete"When my tax dollars have to pay for you and your illegal family members ---
You're not paying anything, then."
God help us if the choices are living in an American police state or escaping to Mexico.
ReplyDeleteThere's always Franciscoville. It will import millions of non-libertarians and yet be 100% libertarian thanks to a mechanism that hasn't yet been explained!
DeleteThe libertardian manifesto in a couple of sentences:
Delete"Nope. The magic dirt theory states that they will become small government, low tax libertarians because borders are illegitimate and culture is meaningless."
How exactly do you "import" people?
DeleteRandy, you've never heard of the Bracero Program? Importing people is easy stuff.
DeleteRe: Rob,
DeleteThat's not importing people.
Is the pretty/colorful side of the wall on the commie side, or the socialist side?
DeleteThe wall in the West Bank has stopped 99% of Muslim terrorism & saved hundreds of Israeli lives. Why does RW not mention this?
ReplyDeleteYou know what would stop 100%, no occupation and peaceful trade. Tear down that wall, Mr. Netanyahu.
DeleteOnly non-whites are allowed to have an ethnostate.
DeleteIf the US could only be as bright:
Maybe magic dirt in Israel does not make blacks Jews. Afghans can never be Pakistanis despite sharing the same barbaric religion.
@veterans, "the quaran's demands were at odds with democracy, peace and the judeo-christian ethic on which America was founded". Was Adams wrong?
DeletePH, John Adams? He was definitely wrong on the Alien and Sedition Acts.
DeleteI’m talking about the State of Israel here. It would be more safe and productive if it were less warlike.
What is the relation between crime rates and immigrants? Are we really just keeping the more criminal inside and keeping the more productive and peaceful away?
That’s why existing businesses lobby the government for bigger barriers to entry.
Very telling that not a one can tell me why I am allegedly a racist. White European males have done the most for the world hands down. To deny that is just to be functionally stupid. Especially since no one calling me a 'da rasis' will move to a dysfunctional Latin American, Asian, or African country.