Saturday, January 20, 2018

Mark Cuban Caught Partying in D.C.

Axios held a one-year anniversary party in Washington D.C. on Thursday evening.

Among those in attendance were billionaire Mark Cuban, former senior adviser to  President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.

“I’m waiting until after the midterms to decide [whether to run for president],” Cuban told The Washington Post.

If he runs, he may make a few libertarian sounds, but is he libertarian? I don't think so.


1 comment:

  1. --- If he runs, he may make a few libertarian sounds, but is he libertarian? I don't think so. ---

    Perhaps Cuban is not an outspoken libertarian but remains to be seen if his policy preferences are more pro-liberty than the gawd-awful policies prescribed on us by the Hillarians or Trumpistas. Or the Neo-cons, the pseudo-conservatives or the little red Marxians from planet Marx.
