Friday, December 29, 2017

Did White House Intern Flash White Power Sign in Photo with Trump?

White nationalists are apparently now using the okay sign as a symbol of white power.

It apparently started as a hoax but is gaining traction among the race-fixated set (white division).

You see there is a W and a P in the sign:

So now a photo has surfaced of President Trump with White House interns all giving the Trump trademark thumbs up, except one intern. One gives
the okay sign.

The intern turns out to be Jack Breuer a graduate of Emory University.

Was this an innocent gesture or the sinister signaling to fellow white supremacists and the world?

It is difficult to know, though, there is one interesting thing. Breuer did have a Twitter account which appears to have been recently deleted since Google still shows a capture of the deleted summary page.

It would be interesting to know what Breuer was tweeting out or who exactly were the 60 twitter accounts he was following but Jack apparently doesn't think that would be okay for us to see.




So after deleting his old twitter account, Jack Breuer has just opened a new account with only two tweets, both denying that he was signaling white power in the White House photo and with this account, he is only following 16 rather than the old 60? What are you hiding, Jack?


  1. My guess, based on the totality of the circumstantial evidence, is that he meant it as a white-power communication (assuming that's really "a thing" these days): Everyone else in the photo is doing a thumbs-up, and I doubt that that was spontaneous; It is likely that they were instructed or all agreed to do a thumbs-up---and this one guy purposely did the opposite.
    Too bad a perfectly good hand-signal has to be tainted with a racial meaning. Oh well, ...I'm not going to stop using it (it's my go-to signal when someone allows me to cut-in in traffic, etc).

    1. No, this is clear evidence he is a Russian spy planted there by Putin. In Russia, the thumbs up symbol is a vulgar insult. So who would be confused by it, other than a Russian spy. He was probably sending a signal to Putin that everything is okay, but we know better.

    2. BTW for those of you who think chem trails are a thing my previous comment is meant to be sarcastic.

    3. All of my life I was fooled into believing that that secret hand sign actually meant OK.... I actually still believe that, guess I'm not hip.

  2. Clearly Jack Breuer is Hitler and Owen Benjamin is his uncle. Clearly.

  3. Milo started doing it during the campaign and that's how it spread. The "white power" aspect was a 4chan troll.

  4. There are all sorts of things he could have been following that are embarrassing.

  5. My question is what's wrong with "White Power"? Or more correctly, White Advocacy or White Activism. Our culture celebrates Black power, Latino activism, etc etc. Why are Whites the only identity group forbidden to pursue or vote their own interests?

    1. 'Cause that's "racism". Anything else is "diversity". :)

    2. Didn't you hear that 100% of all rapes, murders, thefts, and miscarriages are caused by whites? Plus they are all racists and are, in fact, the only racists that exist.
