Saturday, December 16, 2017

David Gordon, The Sparkling Revisionist

Paul Gottfried writes:

I recently ordered and am now eagerly devouring the anthology of David Gordon’s reviews and essays [the three volume] An Austro-Libertarian View published by the Mises Institute. Gordon belongs in more than one way to the institute that brought out this volume. Indeed in his Foreword he lets the reader know that when he first read Man, Economy and the State in 1962, he became a “convinced Rothbardian,” and “it is from this standpoint that I have written my articles.” This may understate the relation described. David was a close friend as well as disciple of Murray, who returned David’s admiration by describing him as a “universal genius unequalled in my experience.” ...

Like Murray Rothbard, he prefers those who make coherent arguments to those who play to the crowd. He also prefers those who are true to themselves as opposed to those who seek social acceptance...

David is one of the very few reviewers whose writings I can read with profit years after they were first printed. One learns from him new things every time one looks at his reviews about books one has read or at least glanced at. This I find is especially true about authors who never bowled me over but whose defects I had been insufficiently aware of before I consulted David...

David is one of the very few reviewers whose writings I can read with profit years after they were first printed. One learns from him new things every time one looks at his reviews about books one has read or at least glanced at. This I find is especially true about authors who never bowled me over but whose defects I had been insufficiently aware of before I consulted David.

Order one or all of the three volume set here:

An Austro-Libertarian View: Economics, Philosophy, Law (Essays by David Gordon) (Volume 1)

An Austro-Libertarian View: Political Theory (Essays by David Gordon) (Volume 2)

An Austro-Libertarian View: Current Affairs, Foreign Policy, American History, European History (Essays by David Gordon) (Volume 3)



  1. I've told this before. A couple of years ago, I took a short online video course with David on I found myself listening to the smartest man in the world IN HIS PAJAMAS!
    You can't top that.
