Sunday, November 5, 2017

Howard Dean: ‘Jared Kushner will be indicted for money laundering’

Former Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean predicted on Sunday that President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner will be indicted for money laundering as a part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

“We believe we may well have a criminal in the White House,” Dean said “Certainly, he has a special interest in the Trump family and their investments. And we think there is substantial likelihood that he has laundered money. That’s what his associates have been charged with.”

“You have a prosecutor [in Special Counsel Robert Mueller] who I think everybody on the Republican and Democratic side believes in a straight shooter,” the former Vermont governor continued. “He is playing a very serious hand here. He’s working his way up from the bottom as he’s going to continue to do.”

Dean added: “I think you’re going to eventually see either the Flynns are going to plead guilty or… cooperate for some leniency.”

According to Dean, “the next step is going to be the Trump family itself.”

“There’s a good likelihood Jaren Kushner will be indicted for money laundering,” he stated.


  1. “You have a prosecutor [in Special Counsel Robert Mueller] who I think everybody on the Republican and Democratic side believes in a straight shooter,”

    Howard, you've been out in the sun too long. You're starting to crack up.

  2. Howard Dean predicted eh? Can someone look up to see if he predicted that Hillary Clinton would be elected president in 2016? Triple thank you in advance.
