Monday, November 13, 2017

Get Well, Justin!

The fierce liberty fighter, editorial director of and friend, Justin Raimondo, has announced that he has late-stage adeenocaricinoma cancer.

He writes:
I write this under great duress, and against my better judgment: it has never been my policy to mix my personal life and my writing/professional life. This time, however, I don’t see how I can avoid it.

My regular readers will have noticed that
I’ve skipped more than a couple of columns recently, with no explanation. Well, here’s the explanation: I have been diagnosed with late-stage adeenocaricinoma cancer, and am now undergoing experimental therapy with the new drug Keytruda.

Under normal circumstances, this diagnosis would be a death sentence. However, Keytruda – recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration – for cases like mine, has proved to be a godsend for many patients previously thought hopeless. While the results are preliminary, they are hopeful: it looks like I have the key mutation that gives Keytruda one up on this terrible disease.

And I have to say one thing that might sound a bit odd: I will survive this. I don’t know why I have such certainty when it comes to this. Maybe I’m in denial. All I know is that, at the very core of my being, I know I’m going to come out on the other side of this whole and intact.

As sick as I am – and there are some days when I cannot rise from my sickbed – I can’t help but think that this illness is a temporary inconvenience that can and will be overcome. I have no doubt that some days I will be incapacitated and unable to write, however I intend to write as much as I can, whenever I can. And rest assured that I am still playing a key role as editorial director of, and will continue to do so.
We are all pulling for you, Justin!



  1. Definitely pulling for you, Justin!

  2. We need ya Justin! Get well soon, old soldier. (The peaceable kind)

  3. Im sure some politically correct leftists will whine about this response, but i dont care. The truth matters. Justin, I hope you get well. But eventually we will all die. Please for your own sake , go to confession and reject your unapologetic practice of sodomy. That sin (along with many others of course) will send you to hell for all eternity. I will pray for you.

    1. Man, your pretend god sure has his priorities straight...

  4. Wishing you well, Justin, and a successful recovery.
