Sunday, October 15, 2017

Trump to Speak at the Neocon Heritage Foundation

Heritage Foundation Board of Trustees

President Donald Trump will address Heritage Foundation members at the foundation's annual President’s Club Meeting on Tuesday, October 17 at 7:30 pm Eastern.

Some recent horrific Heritage policy positions:

President Trump Makes Right Call on Iran Strategy

The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act Must Begin to Restore U.S. Military Strength

Time for “Shock and Awe Sanctions” on North Korea

Failure to Adequately Fund Our Military Puts America at Risk

Trump Lays Out a Winning Strategy for Afghanistan

And then there is this:

Tax Reform Just Got Real. Why the GOP Tax Plan Is Great News for America

Renewal of FISA’s Section 702: Why America Needs the Provision

These guys are bad actors and they have their claws into Trump.


(ht Felix Bronstein)


  1. Trump has an open invite to listen at the VFP National Convention. I'm sure the Ron Paul Institute would welcome him to sit in the audience and learn from them as well.

  2. Trump basically got a huge middle finger from the GOP ever since he was elected. So he is going where he is appreciated.
