Friday, October 27, 2017

AMAZING: This Kid Didn't Learn This in Public School


  1. Hopefully he learns how to land a plane instead of flying it into the side of a building.

    1. Hopefully the alt-right kills themselves

    2. Libertarianism is silent on hate.

    3. Hate is naturally self destructive and libertarians want a society where those who hate suffer the consequences of that choice through the free decisions of every individual. Call that silence if you will but it is a far sight better than the policies of the statists that fuel hate by pitting people against each other.

  2. But has he ever seen a grown man naked? How about gladiator movies?

  3. This is anxiety, not intellect. The kid is scared S@#$less to fly and his parents made the mistake of placating him by explaining how an airplane works and how safe it is. Since this is his greatest fear, he held on to each piece of information as if it were critical for his own survival. I feel sorry for this kid.

    1. Sometimes fear can be a great learning tool

    2. There's no way the kid learned that much detail in such an exercise. Most adults do not know that much about aircraft. He has some social anxiety going on, but that's pretty natural for someone who can learn technical details at age five.

  4. Only thing that can ruin him now is public school.

  5. Just in case somebody doesn't get it, please post this:

  6. Government schooling will destroy his joy of learning, just you wait. My kid used to be like this...knew every U.S. President forward and backward at age 6, and birth dates, day they died, years of their administration. Used to read constantly, about cars, the American Revolution, history, Constitutionalism. He knew just about every make and model of car on the road by age 4. He knew the name of every US state by shape (we had a jigsaw puzzle...and he even knew the shapes backwards, which was a weird revelation). We sent him to Catholic school, which was basically a replica of your typical government school, with government-licensed and educated teachers on their staff, using the same authoritarian ways and Prussian-style factory-learning methods. Now he's 13, hates reading, hates going to prison-like-school (no surprise).... But he does love baseball at least (and most sports), and could probably replace any television sports announcer/color commentator on a moment's notice, and do a decent job.
