Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Military is Throwing Trump Under the Bus

It is difficult to think that this is going on without the approval of top military brass. These are pretty high-level military who don't get that way by stepping out of line.



  1. What do any of these tweets have to do with Trump? Is Wenzel obsessed with Trump?

  2. Where do ANY of these point at Trump? It is just generic tolerance/diversity stuff.

  3. So true, the military cares not what color you are when they kill you. They definitely don't discriminate.

  4. So the US military doesn't condone racism, hatred, etc., but continues to kill, maim, and destroy the property of, thousands of non-Whites around the globe annually via its regular military operations?

  5. The army one is laughable. Against their values since 1775. I'm sure the army was never used to put down a slave rebellion. And never slaughtered people for being in the wrong tribe. And certainly never used to imprison people due to their race.

  6. the amusing thing is the military had to get on board with all this to beat out its bureaucratic competitors at the CIA and to a much lesser degree at State, to get electoral support to be able to claim the lion share of the budget.

    1. We're living in a bizarro world when even the military is rushing to virtue-signal.

  7. "Our diversity is our strength". Barcelona 20 dead, 100 wounded.
