Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Scaramucci is Upset About White House Leaks Because He is a Roman Catholic

Pass the popcorn.

The Hill informs:

Scaramucci blasts “leak” on firing of staffer that he personally revealed to news outlet

Conflicting reports emerged Tuesday over whether a White House press aide had been fired, with the staffer himself saying that no one had informed him he had lost his position.

“No one has told me anything, and the entire premise is false,” senior assistant press secretary Michael Short told CNN.

Short was responding to a Politico report that the new White House communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, plans to fire him.

Scaramucci told the news outlet that Short would be the first of many fires if he’s not able to stop leaks coming from the communications and press team.

But speaking to reporters later on the White House grounds, Scaramucci refused to say whether he fired Short, calling it "an unfair thing for me to comment on."
"This is the problem with the leaking," he said. "This is actually a terrible thing. Let’s say I’m firing Michael Short today. The fact that you guys know about it before he does really upsets me as a human being and as a Roman Catholic."


  1. the fact that this guy invoked his faith in such a way indicates that he views his very identity with that of his Roman Catholic faith.

    Not knowing anything about him, I still contend that identifying with your Roman Catholic faith can only be a good thing. the underlying hope & premise of course being that he has a properly formed conscience

    1. Michael Corleone most likely identified with his Roman Catholic faith.
      Actions speak louder than words.

  2. For give me but what does Roman Catholic have anything to do with it ?

  3. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Wait 'till I calm down
    then pass the popcorn.

  4. If only this: "Scaramucci is Upset White House Bombed Syria Because He is Catholic"

  5. I wonder what his Roman Catholicism has to say about droning the rest of the planet?
