Monday, July 31, 2017

NOT GOOD Scaramucci Fired


This is not good.

Anthony Scaramucci has been removed from his position as White House communications director, just 10 days after his appointment to the post.

Although little in the way of positive would come out of Mooch as communications director, he was after all part of the Ivanka-Jared cultural Marxist wing surrounding Trump, the firing signals more power in the hands of the military around Trump.

Scaramucci was removed at the urging of the new White House chief of staff yformer Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, according to multiple sources.

I consider this move a signal that the military wing is in charge. Trump now has a military man in Kelly as the chief-of-staff, and a Secretary of Defense and a National Security adviser who are military men.

That Kelly was given permission to fire Mooch signals that Kelly will have a major influence.

I am almost tempted to say a military coup has been completed.

Libertarians should find the current military influence on the President repulsive.



Scaramucci was escorted out of the White House, a source told CBS News.

1 comment:

  1. ─ Anthony Scaramucci has been removed from his position as White House communications director, just 10 days after his appointment to the post. ─

    He was going to be tired of winning, anyway.

    ─ Libertarians should find the current military influence on the President repulsive. ─

    I find the president repulsive. Have been finding the orange u..y-grabber repulsive since he gave that insane announcement speech when he attacked trade with China, the free market and Mexican rapists (all billions of them...)
