Monday, July 17, 2017

Is the Pope More Interested in Left Wing Politics Than Theology?

Below is one of the most important interviews conducted by Tom Woods.

There is a lot of material discussed here that you won't hear discussed anywhere else, concerning details of the hardcore leftist leanings of the current Pope. It is certainly not material that is reported in the mainstream press and, apparently, not even by conservative media reporting on the Catholic church.

Given the influence of the Catholic church around the world, the leftist direction in which Pope Francis is taking the church should be of concern to all.

This is a must listen if you are interested in the topic.




    This is a discussion with the traditionalist Catholic and historian Charles Coulombe . I think it is a radio interview discussing some notorious bad Popes. Coulombe has written a history of the papacy. But perhaps of direct interest is Coulombe's five point analysis of the current pope. It is from about minute 24 to minute 34. Coulombe sees Francis as a "Peronista". The TW Show interview is good too.

  2. Francis examined by a po-mo!!

    The vatican beat reporter Sandro Magister had this piece about a progressive critic of Francis. The critic looks like a po-mo philosopher but his summation of Francis is pretty interesting. Especially the pointing out the contrast of Francis's negative take on Euro populism vs Latin American populism. (Maybe if Latin America was facing an immigration wave he would have to revise!)

    He also discusses the group of cardinals who lobbied for Francis's appointment.

    Francis and The St Gallen club

  3. Francis examined by a po-mo!!

    The vatican beat reporter Sandro Magister had this piece about a progressive critic of Francis. The critic looks like a po-mo philosopher but his summation of Francis is pretty interesting. Especially the pointing out the contrast of Francis's negative take on Euro populism vs Latin American populism. (Maybe if Latin America was facing an immigration wave he would have to revise!)

    He also discusses the group of cardinals who lobbied for Francis's appointment.

    Francis and The St Gallen club
