Monday, July 24, 2017

How Anthony "Goldman Sachs Slick" Scaramucci Should Have Handled the Questions About His Derogatory Tweets About Trump

Anthony "Goldman Sachs Slick" Scaramucci got his butt chewed across the Sunday morning talks shows. I am concerned that he may have trouble even sitting down for awhile on his gold-plated home toilet. That said, he made a number of amateur mistakes battling the hosts rather than sticking to talking points.

The White House pro at talk show jiu jitsu is Kellyanne Conway.

The biggest problem Slick had was when the hosts pressured him on the tweets he deleted that were negative about Trump and an op-ed he wrote that was negative about Trump.

Here's one clip:

Instead of the babbling that went on by him on the talk shows like the above, he should have said:

"Look, I am not going to hold the same opinion on every issue as the President but that is no big deal, He doesn't hire yes men and, on most issues, we are 100% in sync that's why he hired me.

"As for the personal negative tweets, I made those because I was reaching my opinion based on the reports coming out of mainstream media.  The more and more I did my own research and got to know Donald J. Trump, the more obvious it became that the media has been doing a tremendous injustice in the way they are reporting on the man. I view it as part of my job as White House communications director to get out the word on what a commanding, powerful, caring and wise President we have in the oval office so people stop making the same mistake that I did because of the fake news you guys are putting out about him."

Of course, from my own watching post, the more out of control Slick is, the more entertaining it will be---and there is not much else positive coming out of this administration.

Slick is not going to be able to control Trump and Trump is not going to be able to control Slick.

I just ordered more popcorn from Amazon.


1 comment:

  1. How about Slick says some things that are a bit closer to the truth, such as: "just like DJT, I was a registered Democrat and Hillary supporter until recently, I still have many political views on issues like gun control that are in-line with banksters/liberals/Democrats, and I actually still think DJT is a doofus but the allure of getting near the ring of power on behalf of my vampire squid controllers was just too much to pass up."
