Saturday, June 3, 2017

Malcolm X on White Liberals


  1. When I was a kid, my old dad, a seriously right-wing Republican, and I agreed that Malcolm was absolutely right. Why blacks continue to rely on white liberals to "lift them up" is a puzzlement.

  2. I'm a fan of Malcolm X and recommend his autobiography. He cut through a lot of BS that MLK, for all his virtues, missed seeing. His writing, as this example illustrates, has a clarity that to my eye is reminiscent of Bastiat.

    1. It's my favorite autobiography. FWIW, I second the recommendation to read it.

  3. You've got Malcolm spelled wrong in the title/link

  4. And there is why Malcolm X was murdered and Jesse Jackson lives to this day.

    1. Jimmy, Have you read "The Plot to Kill King" by William Pepper? Jesse was a deeply involved FBI informant. He was the person who had King moved from an court yard facing ground floor room to the second floor exterior room facing the location of the fatal shot at the Loraine Hotel, among other details. An amazing read, by the way.

  5. He likely said that in the 1960’s when the “liberals” controlled the Presidency and both houses of Congress. The person who posted that Malcom X quote, Boca Vista, is an ardent (“Trump or NONE!”) Trump supporter at a time Trumps party is controlling both houses of Congress, 33 state governors, and 32 state legislatures. Boca Vista’s hero and party have nothing on those 60’s “liberals”.

    1. Trump's not a liberal??? All his life.

    2. Interesting I didn't know that, however given was is known of Malcom X he probably would've hated Trump too with just different reasons than the left was.

    3. Yeah I don't think Malcolm X would be a Trump supporter. Also, this quote probably applies to politics in general, not just to African Americans but to all minorities including the individual.
      Donald Trump "loves":
      The poor
      The poorly educated
      The Blacks
      The Mexicans
      The working class
      The coal workers
      Etc. Ad nausium.
      He also has motives to want to make these groups believe that so he can push his own agenda. Hillary is no different as are most politicians.

  6. This quote by Malcolm X reminds me of something my grandfather said to me; "I rather have 10 enemies over one false friend"

  7. I wonder what Malcolm X would say, as he became an orthodox Muslim near the end of his life, about the problems plaguing the Muslim world and Muslims in the west and radical Islam. Even with the issues facing him, he rejected violence except for purely self defense at the end. There are plenty of Muslim leaders who reject terrorism and whatnot, but none have any real stature to command large populations. Nobody listens to them, whether they agree or disagree.

    Malcolm X would have, atleast for the population in the western world, and maybe could have used his authority to find a way forward for Muslims and non Muslims forward to live together without hostility. Who knows. Too bad some fucktards killed him. We'll never know.

    On a side note, I only really have two heroes/role models in this world. Ron Paul and Malcolm X.

    1. Orthodox Islam does not have a hierarchical leadership and there are really no Islamic leaders that command large populations. What we do know is that there are about 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, and even if 1% embraced terrorism that is 18 million violent people: These people who indiscriminantly kill in Islam's name simply don't exist in those numbers. If you want to talk about intolerant Muslims, there are less than 5 million Wahhabis that have been able to exert their influence due to their oil money and their alliances with the West (and their security guarantee from the U.S.). The rest of us Muslims have been living peacefully with our Christian and Jewish communities for centuries. Politically, there is a movement of Sunni scholars that are working to exclude Wahhabis from Sunni Islam and treat it like its own sect.

      However, when you talk about the immigration crisis in the West, how can you complain about this when the West is sending weapons into these countries and causing chaos? This is "That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen" material: you see the refugees, you choose not to see the root cause.

    2. That's not what I meant at all. There are people on both sides doing violence, I was not placing all blame on Muslims alone whatsoever. I have just as much to say about the 'western world' and it's problems and evils.
