Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Trump to Interview Joe Lieberman for FBI Director Position

Sean Spicer says that later today President Trump will interview Joe Liberman for the FBI director's position, along with 3 other candidates, according to Steven Portnoy, CBS News White House correspondent.

Unless Trump has pictures of Liberman screwing an antelope, this makes no sense. It would be turning more control over to an establishment that doesn't like him.



Liberman sits on the board of the firm founded by Education Secretary Betsy Devos, (brother of Blackwater founder Erik Prince), the American Federation of Children


I always knew Liberman was very dangerous but doing a little research its clear this is a serious bad guy:

Lieberman was a supporter of the Iraq War and has urged action against Iran.

Lieberman has been a major opponent of WikiLeaks. His staff "made inquiries" of and other internet companies such as PayPal, Visa, and MasterCard which resulted in them suspending service to WikiLeaks.

 Lieberman led the fight to create a new Department of Homeland Security.

Lieberman has favored greater use of surveillance cameras by the federal government. On June 19, 2010, Lieberman introduced a bill called "Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010",[which he co-wrote with Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Thomas Carper (D-DE). If signed into law, thebill, dubbed the "Kill switch bill", would grant the President emergency powers over the Internet.


New York Times
Washington Post
Hartford Courant


1 comment:

  1. In dismissing criticism of his support for the "Internet kill switch", Lieberman said "Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too." Riiiiight, let's emulate Chinese thugs to form a more perfect society in America.

    Lieberman also tried to pressure youtube to delete any videos he didn't like: . Luckily, youtube pushed back firmly, and prevailed.

    Lieberman is almost as hideous as Hideous Hillary, and he's got that creepy "I'm nice friendly guy" smile suitable for a mass murderer. But don't worry about him getting the job: Trump is a savvy guy, and his appointments so far have earned praise from thoughtful political observers on all sides of the political spectrum. NOT!
