Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Trump: Steve Bannon is a Libertarian

"Libertarian" Steve Bannon
“Bannon’s more of a libertarian than anything else, if you want to know the truth,” President Donald Trump said Monday during an interview with Bloomberg News in the Oval Office.

For the record, Bannon holds the decidedly non-libertarian positions that tariffs should be put on imports. He has stated that Austrian economics doesn't have any depth.

He said limited government is just theoretical and he favors aggressive military action against ISIS.

I wonder exactly what Trump thinks a libertarian is.



  1. Ah for the day when someone asks Trump, Pelosi, Ryan, Sanders and McConnell "What is a libertarian?"

    1. Libertarians don't even know what Libertarians are. Ask them and you will get 8 different answers. The best bet is to look at their party platform. It is pure Koch Brothers.

  2. Trump also called Bannon alt-left. Don't you get it? He's just trolling the media. Most people are not like you. "More of a libertarian" connotes pot smoker. And his base laughs.

    Once again, you've read SJW's Always Lie. Stop trying to over-analyze things. Trump's use of "libertarian" is rhetorical, not dialectical. He perhaps doesn't know or care what one is (as you define it).

    1. Many self described libertarians are not libertarian and seem not to know what libertarianism is.

    2. It seems like those focused on individual liberty are forever having to re-brand ourselves each time statists misappropriate the terms we use. "Liberals" became "classical liberals" once Progressives in the US moved in on "liberal". Then we started using "libertarian" to avoid the "liberal" moniker altogether given how toxic it became in the US. Now with so much misuse of "libertarian" it appears that the hard core liberty folks need to keep moving. While "anarcho-capitalist," "voluntaryist" and "private propertarian" all seem accurate and reasonable to use, I prefer "Rothbardian" or "Hoppean" since they use proper nouns and are thus less likely to be misused by those not in the know.

  3. --- “Bannon’s more of a libertarian than anything else, if you want to know the truth,” President Donald Trump said Monday during an interview with Bloomberg News in the Oval Office.---

    And of course El Trumpo's commitment to the truth is Youuuuuge!

    We're at that point in history when anyone can be called a "libertarian".

  4. Papers are reporting that Trump questioned the need for the Civil War. That's pretty big. We should applaud Trump for that. Wow!
