Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Trump Meeting with Kissinger Today

The top swamp creature is in the house.

Via pool reporter Jennifer Epstein:
Pool brought into the Oval. It's Trump and ... Kissinger.



  1. Two things have been swirling around Henry Kissinger's fetid brain for decades, divide and conquer, and how to make relations with Russia grow increasingly worse. I am sure the advise Henry dispenses to Donald will be to work somewhat with China while isolating Russia as much as possible. The pale of death has always followed Henry's policy prescriptions.

    Is it just me, or does Henry Kissinger look more, and more like Batman's nemesis the Penguin? I guess being really evil for decades eventually catches up with you.

    1. I am glad someone else noticed he looks jaundiced in a most peculiar way.

    2. Reports have been indicating that Putin has great respect for Kissinger, and he's served as a back door between Trump and Putin since before the election. He's also publicly committed to more positive and realistic relations with Russia. I'm surprised to see this is your take. There's a reason he was there the same day as Lavrov and the other Russians.

    3. Also, Kissinger is a bad guy.

  2. A South African friend who's quite religious swears he's the Anti-Christ. I have no counter argument.

    1. Hahahaha... I laugh, and yet, I think your friend is right.

  3. I was born in 1967. I haven't been alive long enough to remember the Nixon years. Pat Buchanan was. I wonder what his take on Henry Kissinger was. The question wasn't asked during his recent interview with Tom Woods.
