Sunday, April 9, 2017

This is How Jared Kushner Networks

Former New York Observer illustrator, David Friedman, sets the scene:
The first assignment Peter gave me under the new Jared Kushner regime was to draw Sacha Baron Cohen for a cover story, also in the guise of his two characters, Ali G. and Borat, (The Borat film was about to be released). When the issue hit the stands the following Wednesday, a very excited Peter called me to say that Jared, a huge fan of Ali G., loved the cover and wanted to purchase the original art for his younger brother Joshua as a gift. Peter also told me, (in his more subdued voice), that this was "finally really good news". Peter acted as Jared's liaison and we agreed on my fee, and at the end of the conversation he said, "Drew, thank you... thank you", as if I had done him a tremendous favor.
And then the Friedman approach to Kushner when he was in networking mode:
Later in 2007, the NYO celebrated its 20th anniversary with a huge party at the Four Seasons Restaurant in Manhattan, which publisher Jared Kushner hosted. My wife, Kathy and I were invited, and we arrived to witness throngs of VIP's, media moguls, and young, tuxedoed real estate developers lined up to get in. The only one of my fellow cover artists attending was my friend Victor Juhasz and his wife Terri. A perpetually beaming Jared and his future wife Ivanka Trump held court and welcomed their friends and admirers. Peter made a short, optimistic welcoming speech and introduced Jared who discussed the future of the NYO, as well as his fondness for the Four Seasons.
After Jared's speech, I told Kathy and the Juhasz's that I was going to go introduce myself to Jared, knowing that he enjoyed, and had purchased my artwork. Jared was standing at the bar holding a glass of champagne. I approached him and said, "Hi Jared, I'm Drew Friedman". He grasped my hand, surveyed the crowds, and responded "Hi Drew, I'd really like to talk with you, but there are many far more important people here for me to talk to right now". I quietly nodded and retreated back to my wife and friends.


  1. Probably learned it from The Donald

  2. Ah, the games of the wealthy. And the wealthy wanna-bees, too I suppose.
