Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Decline of Kellyanne Conway

From a new profile by Olivia Nuzzi:
 “Being a liberal is no longer fashionable,” Conway told the Atlantic Monthly in 1996, just before the impeachment mania that made partisan punditry so entertaining. “It went out with bell-bottoms. We’re never going to be Stepford Democrats. Most of us make Ayn Rand look like a leftist.”
Asked about that statement now, she looked embarrassed by her younger self. “That comment is a bit naïve and certainly inaccurate,” she said, emphasizing that she’s not a libertarian but a “social conservative” as well as “a national-security conservative” and “an economic conservative — that’s really what motivates me.”


  1. "I'm a neo-con". That is a much shorter way to say it Kellyanne.

    1. Do you think they are evil or just stupid? Evil, knowing military spending (and bombing) undermines security and costs lots, or too stupid to realize that fact.

  2. They are mass murderers, plain and simple, and I consider murder evil. Stupid has nothing to do with it.

    1. Though either/both Rozeff and Vance correctly point out the pols are not the trigger pullers, but the troops are, making them the killers. But I get your point.
