Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Free Speech Can Beat Bad Ideas

Dutch journalist and free-speech advocate Flemming Rose says he’s never seen anyone change their bad ideas because they were criminalized.

 His closing point that government surveillance is an invasion of privacy which prevents one from speaking freely is a very important point. I consider surveillance being in a significant way a mental prison.

A further note: In a Private Property Society, it would be the land owner who would determine what type of speech is allowed on his property--- it would not be any other entity government or otherwise. Which gets back to Rose's point that government surveillance (which implies control) is an invasion of property.



  1. "In a Private Property Society, it would be the land owner who would determine what type of speech is allowed on his property--- it would not be any other entity government or otherwise."

    As it should be! The goal, then, is to make as little land government land as is possible!

  2. Free speech except when it incites violence? Isn't that what our SJWs use as their excuse for shutting down speech they don't like? That it is violence or incites violence?

  3. It should be noted (especially here at Target Liberty) that Rose is not advocating for free speech- he mentions several times the caveat that the speech must not "incite violence".
