Monday, February 20, 2017

The Dangerous Signal That Trump Just Sent By Naming H.R. McMaster His National Security Adviser

H.R. McMaster

President Donald Trump has just named another military man to replace the insane Michael Flynn as his National Security Adviser.

The new NSA, General H.R. McMaster, has Flynn beat in brain power by an exponential quantity. He holds a Ph.D. degree in American history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Here is the problem, when we are talking real world understanding, McMaster for all practical purposes holds a doctorate in military killing.  And he has a blind vision that the United States is an Empire that must deal with "strategic interests" around the world, in many cases from a military angle. There is absolutely no indication that McMaster has adopted the view of George Washington that the United States should stay out of foreign entanglements. None.

Whatsmore, he holds the view that U.S. troops on the ground are the only way to solve many conflicts. He holds that simple air bombardment, which the U.S. is presently doing in the Middle East, is "George Costanza-type" fighting.

This type of Costanza style fighting via air bombardment is, according to McMaster,  You "do a lot of damage and leave on an up note," but not really "win."

He holds that success requires that ground troops must gain land from the enemy and maintain contact with civilians in the area and also the enemy. He views local troops as "so-called partners." To him "outsourcing the fighting" is an error. Some use of local troops can occur but the driver and main component must be U.S. troops. It can't simply be done with U.S. military advisers.

For McMaster, it is all about "land control" that also includes "military support of governance" for "sustainable political outcomes."

Bottom line: Expect additional U.S ground combat troops, at a minimum in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan---for the very long haul.

With McMaster being named National Security Adviser, you can throw away the idea that Trump is going to disengage the United States from military adventures. The troops that are already deployed are not coming home. The Empire is about to intensify its global entanglements, with new or additional combat troops at many hot spots created in the first place by the Empire.

McMaster is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

And if that isn't enough, Trump at the McMaster announcement also said that super neocon war hawk John Bolton was going to join the administration.



Center for Strategic & International Studies discussion with McMaster
McMaster on Charlie Rose
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs with McMaster on Fighting ISIS
Hoover Institution Bio


  1. "you can't just bomb from the air, how are Army Officers going to get a shot at board level spots in the MIC"

  2. "Whatsmore, he holds the view that U.S. troops on the ground are the only way to solve many conflicts. He holds that simple air bombardment, which the U.S. is presently doing in the Middle East, is "George Costanza-type" fighting.

    This type of Costanza style fighting via air bombardment is, according to McMaster, You "do a lot of damage and leave on an up note," but not really "win."

    He holds that success requires that ground troops must gain land from the enemy and maintain contact with civilians in the area and also the enemy. He views local troops as "so-called partners." To him "outsourcing the fighting" is an error. Some use of local troops can occur but the driver and main component must be U.S. troops. It can't simply be done with U.S. military advisers.

    For McMaster, it is all about "land control" that also includes "military support of governance" for "sustainable political outcomes."

    Bottom line: Expect additional U.S ground combat troops, at a minimum in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan---for the very long haul."

    Sounds like he rejects Dr. Robert Pape's analysis that it is occupation which causes suicide terrorism...Some of us saw this coming:

    1. exactly, he rejects not only Pape's occupation causes suicide terrorism, but also his offshore balancing.

    2. Great article. We are the 1-2% that Tom Woods compares to those principled abolitionists in the run up to the horrible unCivil War.

  3. Funny, Heath. But seriously, it just gets worse and worse. Trump has never outgrown his military school days. I was lucky enough to get booted out of military school. Kicked that anti-authoritarian thing into high gear.

  4. Robert, I have been reading your articles for years because you have never let up on these sick pieces of filth who want nothing less than to destroy every thing worth living for. You have never let up, not once, and for that I thank you.

    God that guy looks like and authoritarian lizard.
