Thursday, February 2, 2017

Berkeley Violence: Blondes Being Targeted?

There is no question that the violence I am seeing reported at protests around the country is much more severe this year than in recent past years.


  1. Hah! These people are getting a lesson that only a beating can provide. It doesn't matter if you are a "nazi", alt-right", "conservative", or "libertarian", you will be targeted for the color of your skin.

  2. Unsmart LOLbertarians did not recognize that the left/commies are the ultimate threat to liberty and private property rights. They want to join the left and fight Trump. Until they get beaten/raped/murdered for the color of their skin that is.

  3. It would be appropriate for Milo supporters to be armed when facing these rampaging criminals intent on violence. I'm convinced that the radical Left will only be stopped by a dose of harsh reality: attack people and they will rightly defend themselves.
