Thursday, February 9, 2017

Afghanistan Needs ‘Thousands’ More Troops, US General Says in Stunning Assessment

Okay, Libertarian Trump fanboys, how are you going to deal with this developing situation?

Kevin Barron reports:
Gen. John “Mick” Nicholson’s testimony [before Congress] laid on Donald Trump’s desk the first major war decision — surge troops or not?  — just three weeks into his new and tumultuous administration, which so far has focused more intently on U.S. border security than overseas military engagements. The commander of NATO’s Operation Resolute Support said he expected Defense Secretary James Mattis to present the request [to expand troops in Afghanistan] to alliance defense ministers when they meet next week in Brussels...

The desired troops would come “below the corps level” and could be American or come from allied nations of the NATO training mission.

“We’re going to be able to discuss this in greater detail,” at NATO next week, Nicholson said.
Got that? Trump's Secretary of Defense is expected to present the request to NATO defense ministers next week.

It appears clear, NATO is not going to be disbanded.  The wars are not going to be wound down, The troops are not coming home. The wars are going to be expanded.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Let's create more enemies.
