Monday, October 3, 2016

Scholar Who Inspired the Alt-Right Movement Not As Happy with Trump as He Once Was

Paleoconservative Paul Gottfried writes:
This week the AmGreatness website published its own long list of “Scholars and Writers for Trump” together with declarations of support prepared by what we were supposed to believe were prominent scholars....

I should note that if those presented on the Amgreatnes website as Trump’s intellectual shock troop are what they claim to be, I’ll have to reconsider my enthusiasm for the GOP presidential candidate. One reason Walter [Block] and I backed Trump is that he seemed less surrounded by neocon “policy advisors” than Hillary. This may no longer be the case. That said, I shall pull the lever for Trump in the voting booth because I wish to prevent the Cultural Marxist dictatorship that might descend on this country if Mrs. Clinton is elected. But I have no illusion after seeing some of the Amgreatness signatories that a Trump victory will bless us with a neocon-free administration. That’s unlikely to arrive, no matter which nominee wins the presidential sweepstakes.


  1. ─ One reason Walter [Block] and I backed Trump is that he seemed less surrounded by neocon "policy advisors" than Hillary. ─

    "Less" surrounded, however, does not translate to "not surrounded at all". At what number of Neo-cons in his collection did you reconsider your support, Paul?

  2. Paul Gottfried is not influential in the alt right, and never was.
