Donald Trump on Monday escalated his feud with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” by attacking host Mika Brzezinski’s intelligence.
Trump implied a romantic relationship between Brzezinski and fellow host Joe Scarborough in tweets marking the latest shots fired in the GOP White House nominee's war on the media.
The comments came the same morning Scarborough and Brzezinski mocked a recent speech from Trump in Fredericksburg, Va., which they found rambling. 
"He belted like, honestly ... like he's had a lot to drink," Brzezinski said.
Scarborough responded to Trump's attacks on Twitter, advising him to focus on the general election.
  1. Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, . Two clowns!
  2. Tried watching low-rated this morning, unwatchable! is off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess!