Retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal is reportedly being considered as a potential running mate by Donald Trump, ABC News is reporting.
McChrystal is the second retired general reportedly being considered for the position. Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn is also rumored to be in the running as a potential vice presidential pick for Trump.
McChrystal commanded the Joint Special Operations Commandfor five years,
He also served as the top commander in Afghanistan for a short period and submitted a 66-page report to Defense Secretary Robert Gates calling for more troops in Afghanistan, saying "We are going to win."
He was relieved of his position by President Obama after giving a controversial interview to Rolling Stone magazine.I n an article written by freelance journalist Michael Hastings, ("The Runaway General", appearing in Rolling Stone magazine, July 8–22, 2010 issue),McChrystal and his staff mocked civilian government officials, including Joe Biden, National Security Advisor James L. Jones, US Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl W. Eikenberry, and Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke.
Hastings died in a mysterious fiery car crash in Los Angeles.
In 2010, after leaving the Army, McChrystal joined Yale University to teach a course on "leadership."
According to Wikipedia, McChrystal is Chairman of the Board of Siemens Government Systems, and is on the strategic advisory board of Knowledge International, a licensed arms dealer whose parent company is EAI, a business "very close" to the United Arab Emirates government.
In 2011, McChrystal advocated instituting a national service program in the United States. He stated, "'Service member' should not apply only to those in uniform, but to us all ... America is falling short in endeavors that occur far away from any battlefield: education, science, politics, the environment, and cultivating leadership, among others. Without a sustained focus on these foundations of our society, America's long-term security and prosperity are at risk."
On January 8, 2013, McChrystal appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe program, in which he endorsed stronger U.S. gun control laws, saying that assault weapons were for the battlefield, not schools or streets.
And just when I think it can't get worse...