BOOK: Hillary Clinton called disabled children 'f***ing ree-tards'...
Jews 'stupid k***s'...
Bill called Jesse Jackson 'damned n****r'...
and he links to a Mailonline story which reports:
My interview with Dolly Kyle is here.
- Bill Clinton's former lover Dolly Kyle claims the Clinton couple regularly used racial epithets in her new book, Hillary: The Other Woman
- She writes that Hillary was caught on record blurting out the terms 'stupid k**e' and 'f***ing Jew b*****d'
- She says Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a 'Goddamned n****r'
- But rumors of Bill's trysts with black women were rampant in Little Rock
- One prominent black female newscaster bragged openly about her relationship with the governor, although 'only' indulged in oral sex
- Bill Clinton's 'three strikes' rule incarcerated 2.5 million people, including poor people of color who couldn't afford lawyers during their trials
- When Hillary moved to Arkansas, she looked down her nose at what she viewed as 'ignorant hillbillies'
No surprise here. The remnants of the WASP ruling classes nurture secret contempt for the "special" groups whose fundaments they must *publicly* kiss---and not-so-secret contempt for the middle- and lower-class whites in Flyover Country. Indeed, contempt is pretty near the inmost heart of *all* ruling classes, lodged right next to hubris and avarice.