Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Dangers of The Donald Trump Lovefest

By Chris Rossini

What is it that people despise about politicians? Well, there are many things. But for starters, politicians are notorious for saying one thing here, and then another thing there. They pander to whoever they happen to be speaking to at the moment. This applies to all politicians, both Republican and Democrat.

Democrats say they are anti-war, but in practice they're just as much vicious as Republicans. Meanwhile, Republicans claim to be for "limited government" but they're nothing even remotely like that while in power. It's all lies, piled upon lies, piled upon even more lies.

This has become the norm in America. 

Polticians lie ... People vote for them anyway ... Politicians further enrich and empower the government and tear apart society ... People get angry. 

Then it just starts all over again, in a cycle.

Donald Trump, because of conditions that have been exhaustively analyzed, has succeeded in convincing enough people that he's different.

And yet, it's become clear that without a shadow of doubt...he isn't!

The media has caught Trump saying one thing one day, and the very opposite the next. Sometimes he'll contradict himself in the same day, and even in the same speech!

It hasn't mattered. People believe that Trump's different. That Trump acts the exact same way that hated politicians act just gets brushed aside. It doesn't matter what he did or said 20 years ago, or what he did or said 20 days ago.

For example: Trump said of Janet Yellen at the end of last year:
“She’s [Janet Yellen’s] keeping the economy going, barely. The reason they’re keeping the interest rate down is Obama doesn’t want to have a recession-slash-depression during his administration.”
Yesterday, the exact opposite:
"I'm not a person that thinks Janet Yellen is doing a bad job. I happen to be a low-interest rate person unless inflation rears its ugly head, which can happen at some point."

Polar opposite. No one cares.

There are countless examples just like this. But isn't this quality one of the main things that people hate about politicians? That words don't mean anything? Just say whatever?

Trump merely mimics your average politician. He just adds some entertainment to it. That's really Trump's distinguishing characteristic. And if he's ever really confronted on his numerous contradictions, Trump knows how to pull a Madonna or Miley Cyrus. He just does something outrageous, like "insult" someone (which is very easy to do in PC-soaked America) and the contradictions disappear from the news.

There is a great danger to this. 

It's in everyone's interest that lies, flip-flops and contradictions don't disappear. Politicians need to be seen for what they are. 

It's bad enough when politicians are hated. They still find ways to do a ton of damage to our lives. However, when they're hated, there's at least some struggle in implementing their carnage. At least there's some resistance.

But what happens when a politician is loved? What happens when the damage is welcomed with cheers? What happens when no one cares about lies, but they're instead greeted with thunderous applause? 

What happens to the few liberties that remain? Can they be snatched away to deafening chants of USA...USA?

Are we getting close to finding out?

Do we really want to know?
The above originally appeared at the Ron Paul Liberty Report.


  1. I was a Trump supporter during the primaries, but gave up on him after Sheldon Adelson announced he'd be willing to spend over $100 million to get him elected.
    There are two main factors contributing to the libertarian/anti-establishment support for Trump: 1) So far, he's been the enemy of their enemy. 2) He's pandered to elements on the right who've never been pandered to before.
    Trump cemented his support amongst many anti-war/anti-establishment types after the Republican debate in South Carolina. Virtually all the pundits said he would probably lose the military friendly state because of his Iraq War criticism and Trump responded by doubling down instead during the debate and won the primary anyway. A candidate like Rand would not have gone where Trump went during that debate, but would have watered down his criticism instead. Other people were swayed by him when he appeared on the Alex Jones Show, like Chris Cantwell for example.
    The enemy of our enemy is our friend factor is still playing a large role. Just yesterday after reading Ben Shapiro's National Review piece calling Trump supporters, anti-war conservatives, and conspiracy theorists anti-Semites, I was almost tempted to go back to supporting Trump. We've all seen these types try to ex-communicate the Lew Rockwell libertarians in the past and Trump's candidacy has damaged their cause. Never before has that wing of the libertarian/conservative movement had mainstream conservative sites come to their defense, but that is now happening. is now attacking the ex-communicators much to their success. The National Review and Weekly Standard are no longer the standard bearers of the conservative movement.
    But if Trump becomes president and wages war against Muslims he's dehumanized during the campaign and builds up an even more Orwellian police state than what we have now, it won't be good for the anti-establishment wing of the libertarian movement that helped him become president. It won't be good at all.

    1. "But if Trump becomes president and wages war against Muslims he's dehumanized during the campaign and builds up an even more Orwellian police state than what we have now, it won't be good for the anti-establishment wing of the libertarian movement that helped him become president. It won't be good at all."


      Also, there's a great excerpt from Star Wars Episode Three(revenge of the Sith) that illustrates the concern of a what could happen when the populace embraces a charismatic authoritarian:
