Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Super Bowl and The State (Update 1)

It is almost two weeks before the Super Bowl hits San Francisco but the People's Republic of San Francisco continues to expand its wrath over its common citizens in anticipation of the event.

The city has turned over part of lower San Francisco to the NFL for a "Super Bowl City," which will include security checks, metal detectors and undercover cops.

Now, although my office is several blocks from the Embarcadero, private vehicular traffic in front of my building has been blocked from heading towards the Embarcadero.

I also understand that the homeless that camp out at night around that part of the Embarcadero have been moved into tents under the Bay Bridge somewhere.

A friend of mine owns a restaurant on the immediate edge of Super Bowl City. He doesn't know if this is going to mean more business for his restaurant or less. But he assure me, "If it is less, I am going to bitch about it for the rest of the year."


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