Saturday, January 9, 2016

BRAZIL Urban Primitives Violently Mugging Tourists in Broad Daylight

Yahoo reports:
In August, millions of tourists from all over the world will be flocking to Brazil for the 2016 Summer Olympics.

But now, all eyes are already on Rio de Janeiro thanks to a video of street youth gangs brazenly and violently mugging people that has gone viral.

The video, shot over the last few weeks, shows young criminals physically attacking passers by and stealing their phones, jewelry, and other belongings. Additional footage shows an adult male advising the group of thugs how to steal from victims.

1 comment:

  1. That'll boost the tourist trade. On one of my islands, a local crack - head was ripping off cruising yachts. The boys took him out for a moon light swim. True story.
    "The boys" are local West Indians, BTW, not whitey.
